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Wellens: Town Players Don't Care
Monday, 29th Oct 2012 09:08

Loan midfielder Richie Wellens laid into Town’s permanent signings after Saturday’s dismal defeat to Sheffield Wednesday, claiming he and his fellow temporary signings are the only ones who care. Caretaker-manager Chris Hutchings similarly pointed the finger at players in his post-match press conference after the game.

Wellens, who is with the Blues from Leicester until November 10th, said: “A new manager needs to come in and put a rocket under their backsides because there are not enough people who show they care about losing or even their own careers.

“One of the coaches said that the old manager got stick for bringing in loan players, but it is the loan players who are showing they care and that is a sad indication of what is wrong.”

He refused to blame those coaches for Saturday's display: “There is a full week to get someone in but everything Chris [Hutchings] and Sparky [Mark Kennedy] have said and done in the days before the game were spot on.

“If we are allowing balls to drop in the box and not clearing the ball or not stopping shots, or winning a header, you are going to get beat and that is not down to the coaches.”

He added: “We need people to show passion, to show they care. It is difficult when you are getting the ball and no one else wants it. It is human nature when you are under pressure to go and hide but we need a better attitude, and to act like men.

“I have always thought of Ipswich as a nice club and that was confirmed when I got here. It is a little too easy, too cosy.”

The 32-year-old former Manchester United trainee continued: "Defensively we were a bit of a shambles. We did not compete with their physicality and they won every headed ball in both boxes.

“When you go a goal down after 40-odd seconds in the situation we are in. We showed some character and came back for a while after going a goal down and were the better team.

“The second half was terrible. It is difficult to put a finger on why but we need to sort it out."

He says he takes defeats such as Saturday's to heart: “I care — I care about football. The easiest thing for me would be to let the game pass me by but that is not me.

“I have had four games and lost four and that hurts me. I won’t speak to the wife and the kids will be put to bed. It ruins my week.”

Wellens says he wouldn't have been out in the circumstances some of the other players were in midweek: “In training when we are asked to work they do put it in.

“It is not for me to say when people go and have a drink. But if it was me I would have looked at the situation.

“Do I need to go out and be having a drink? If I was a supporter I would not have been happy. It was about six or seven and you can’t judge the whole group by those players."

He also issued a warning for the future: “I can’t see Ipswich ever winning a game unless they are at their best and everything is going for them.

“To be a strong club in the Championship you have to win when things are not going well. I can fully understand why the club have been done by five and six goals this season.”

In terms of the new boss, he wouldn't be drawn: “It is not my place to say about that. They need to get to get the decision right because we had it at Leicester.

"They sacked Nigel Pearson who was doing a good job but then we had to go through two or three managers before we got him back and now he is doing very well. Whoever it is needs to get the players on board as soon as possible.”

Meanwhile, interviews for the manager's job continue with this morning's papers again mentioning Blues interest in Blackpool's Ian Holloway. However, as of this weekend, Town had not made contact with the Seasiders regarding their boss.

Mick McCarthy and Alan Curbishley remain the two frontrunners for the job.

Photo: Action Images

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Jewels added 10:31 - Oct 29
Well done Wellens. We need a strong minded manager to sort them out and to ban them from posting rubbish over twitter and the likes of Edwards speaking to the media in an unprofessional manner. IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED, they are professionals and should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. JET, Chopra and Martin worst coulprits. Can I just say that Hyam should hold his head up high after Saturday's performance, we should be playing Loach in goal - I lost my respect for Jewel once he got a loan goalie in.

Tractorog added 10:38 - Oct 29
I wish he'd care enough to get fit!

RRanger added 10:43 - Oct 29
If true,well said Richie Wellens. As for the people questioning and criticising his fitness,he came here because he was not totally match fit having had a long term injury and as far as I'm concerned he has put in twice the effort of some of our players in the last few games. Against Sheff Wed he ,with Hyam and Carson were the only players who had decent games. He was the first midfielder we have had recently that was making regular runs into the opposing sides penalty area. He is a class act in this division and Leicester are lucky to have him.
Loan players go to another club because they want /need to get game time and it is ridiculous to say they aren't going to try their best. People have poor games (Henderson wasn't great in the last two, but was M o M in the one before) If the rest of the team had put in as much effort as Wellens,Hyam and Carson v Sheff Wed we wouldn't have been stuffed. I wasn't a great fan of Mick McCarthy but I'm beginning to think he is just what this club needs - a good shake up by an experienced man.

TractorJed added 10:43 - Oct 29
This story sums up modern football, it appears to be all about earning big bucks. Look back to the days of Wark, Mills, Brazil - yer they earnt decent money but never enough to make them so dettached from the normally working man that they become rich overnight, they played for personal pride and to win stuff.
Clubs wonder why the attendances are down when families have to go without to pay for match tickets to watch a team of players who just dont care.
Some players today dont care if they ever made a cup final, gained promotion or won anything as long as they retire with fat bank accounts.

alanmason added 10:52 - Oct 29
Thanks Richie!
Plain speaking is what we need now more than ever.
Get fully fit Richie, and stay with us, - you're the type of character the new manager needs!

ITFC4daprem added 11:01 - Oct 29
Maybe worth a bid in January

SimonSS94 added 11:05 - Oct 29
Unbelievable comments coming from a non-permanent signing. I was at the game on saturday and the best and most passionate performer by a country mile was Luke Hyam. I think Richie should keep himself to himself next time and go to the players himself rather than publicly announce it!

greenkingtone added 11:12 - Oct 29
Good lad Richie.
Let me put it more bluntly. Chopra - get rid, Emanuel Thomas - get rid, Lee Martin - get rid,
Carlos Edwards - get rid.
Bring in boys from the stiffs, they can't do worse.

Mick McCarthy for boss.

shefkuqi32 added 11:14 - Oct 29
Shame to say it doesn't surprise me, the club lost it's heart I feel the day David Sheepshanks etc left. Marcus Evans came with the money but the £10m + they have spent on players was all but wasted.
It will take a big overall to get the heart of ITFC back. It begins with the new manager and January.

BrettenhamBlue added 11:20 - Oct 29
Can't believe people here keep going on about Wellen's fitness. He has had a good last four games and was one of the few players to come out with any credit against Sheffield Wednesday.
Sign him up in Jan and give him the Captain's armband.
Dump Carlos Edwards and loan him to St Albans or some other club where he can play to his standard.
Leicester are lucky to have Wellens. We need 11 players with his passion ASAP. At the moment I count 4 players with passion in our entire squad.

rubbleblue added 11:20 - Oct 29
How has a once small but mighty club come to this? We stare relegation in the face this season due to a wrong choice of players coaches managers n ceo. None of whom seemed to have the guts to stand up n b counted. Pj nice man but that was his downfall. Sc should make them all quiver with fear but doesnt. The players should have their wages docked on performance related n judged by us the fans who pay for them. Anyone not wanting to play just leave!!!!

walberswick added 11:26 - Oct 29
Get Joe Royle in until the end of the season.

hmarcham2 added 11:28 - Oct 29
I am surprised that Wellens has come out and said this, but i have to say I agree. We looked so gutless on Saturday and we are carrying too many players! Also, the likes of Chopra really aggravate me, he's got far too much to say for himself on twitter, and quite frankly it seems like he's only here to sort out his debts. Bunch of MERCENARIES!

planetblue_2011 added 11:32 - Oct 29
I can't see us getting out of this mess even with a new manager on board.
He has to get rid of at least 7 players in this team who don't care and I will start with
Henderson, Edwards, chambers, Higginbotham, Martin, Murphy and Cresswell the other 4 against weds showed a little it of belief. Hyam, Wellens, Carson and Campbell the subs Jet and Chopra a complete waist of time and money. The Southend fella done well when he come on. More like him would be good.
We might get somewhere then if we replace the shambles but it is gonna be hard with certain contracts. I am preparing for div 1 a rebuild is what we need and quick.
Mr Wellens you are correct well done for stating the main fact.

mark1969 added 11:36 - Oct 29
Thank you Mr. Wellens for telling us . I think we all Knew a problem existed.Players need to be vetted more carefully before we sign them . Clegg is not showing any leadership , in the absense of a manager he should call a staff meeting and read the riot act . Bobby Robson once had a high profile punch up in a dressing room with Baxter and Carroll . Better call up Terry Butcher to be manager , tell him to bandage up and get in the dressing room to sort it out . Clegg you need to enforce a press embargo on the players until the new manager is appointed all these Tweets and othe communications are stirring trouble which is out of control . Clegg get a grip of your employees or leave !!

sirbenofmorlingshire added 11:38 - Oct 29
Interesting comments, just wondering what he hopes to achieve by saying them? It's almost like your last day at work, leaving a job you hate, walking up to your boss or colleagues and telling them what you really think of them, knowing you won't work with them again (you hope!). However, in this case, he's no more than a ‘temp' in the office, and would anyone really care what a temp said or thought; there's certainly no manager to take notice of the comments, perhaps it's just a heads up for the fans, which is great, but as I said at the start, what's he hoping to achieve by this???

It could be Richie has pushed the proverbial snowball and got it rolling, which would be great, IF the powers that be take some notice (and/or believe what he's saying — if it's true)… but my underlying thought is how sad is it that a temp had to do this as none of the full timers gave a rats to do the same, why? Is it because they have it too easy and genuinely don't care, is it a culture at the club and has been for a while? I was thinking the other day regarding people moaning about us not having good players coming through/playing, I thought about Rhodes, Wickham and a few others, even Trotter seems to be doing ok, how is it that we failed to get the best from these players, obviously the talent and potential is there, so how come we're missing out? Alarm bells have been ringing for a while now, in my opinion years, but no one is taking notice and what's the result, managerless, bottom of the pile, talent wasted, those who remain are nonchalant, seemingly unbothered.

I don't think this is a ‘can open, worms everywhere' moment, however, what it does do is highlight a rather large can and it's full of worms — what happens with it next??? This comment is almost stating the obvious and to what gain; but just the fact this is a loanee saying this speaks volumes… for me it's not shacking news, it's just the first time someone has said it. If it's a culture thing we need a manager who won't get sucked in and jump on the gravy train which has ruined this club, they must have the ability to break this cycle — tell you what, it's gonna be one tough job.

happybeingblue added 11:41 - Oct 29
very interesting comments from wellens and hes only been here 5 mins! it appears all is not well behind the scenes dressing room wise me thinks-hope the new boss gets rid of the bad eggs!! we probably know who a few of these are-maybe we should make him captain for next match!! lol..... lets get some lower league players in who have hunger and want to acheive at this level, i dont think theirs that much diifference quality wise from leagues 1 and 2 blue square etc than our league which lets be honest is poor!

madmouse1959 added 11:46 - Oct 29
Theres the fact that Jewell bought alot of rubbish to this club..Jewell has to be blamed for some poor decisions he made.

Balbvs added 11:57 - Oct 29
Hands up those of you surprised by these revelations. You only need to see the 'team' play and listen to their juvenile utterances on Twitter to see that Richie is on the money. 47 years a blue and it hasn't been lower than this at MY club!

Edmunds5 added 12:03 - Oct 29
I'm glad Wellens has said this but I'm appauled by this. Imagine the amount of people who would give there arms to play for Ipswich Town. Think of how well they get paid for doing a job they half heartedly go about. Think about the 700 mile round trips fans make and the ridiculous ticket prices that have to be paid. Think about the kids who get there faces painted and have these 'players' names on the back. I think this is why lower league players are so much better to buy, cheaper on lower wages and will give more because they want to show that they are up to Championship level. Our players have been at clubs such as Arsenal, Newcastle and Man Utd and see us as a p***over. You say you want Shearer Chops? fingers crossed you'll get big Mick to let you know where you stand. Sick of the lot of them bar a couple of exceptions, Get Mick McCarthy or Ian Holloway in quick, and get some pride into this football club.

Fatboy added 12:13 - Oct 29
Wellens for player-manager?

Lennyboy added 12:16 - Oct 29
Sign him up, thats what this club needs; honest players punching their plums out to get fit and play football. Less not forget though that it was Jewell that signed most of our jokers and has paid the price, rightly so. We need Evans and the new manager to bite the bullet, spend the money in January and get rid of this shower; especially Chopra. To quote the Royal family, 20 goals arse.

davidsc1971 added 12:24 - Oct 29
Strong stuff Mr Wellens and it's about time someone cared enough to say it. It just shows what a tough job football management is these days and it's not always about talent on the pitch - if the player has a reputation then you need to either have the minerals to deal with it or stay well clear. Looks like Jewell gave a few characters a chance (Mr Chopra included) and they've repaid him by going on strike.

Player power like this shows what is inherently wrong with the modern game. Sky money is to blame, it's ruined our national game.

portmanteau added 12:34 - Oct 29
dont appoint hutchings. a good workman does not blame his tools. in public too.

blueblood66 added 12:46 - Oct 29
feel sorry? He brought most of them here, so you reap what you sew!

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