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McCarthy: Tuesday's Atmosphere Was a Disgrace
Thursday, 15th Mar 2018 17:01

Town boss Mick McCarthy says the atmosphere during Tuesday night’s 3-0 home defeat to Hull City was “a disgrace” and that it will make it “incredibly difficult” for his players to perform if repeated at the Blues’ four remaining matches at Portman Road this season.

Fans aimed derogatory chants towards McCarthy, who they booed off at the end of each half and sarcastically cheered the players completing run of the mill passes during the second period.

Asked if the evening was difficult to get over, McCarthy said: “It’s not one of the most enjoyable experiences but, no.

“I went and played in the club golf day yesterday and I loved it, I had a great day, thank you. I’m able to [get over it], I’m looking forward to Bristol City.”

He says the players gave him their backing and he talked to them this morning.

“Yes, I got my call yesterday and I’ve spoken to them today, just to make sure that they’re aware that we’ve all got to be professional and whatever’s going on we’ve got to carry on doing the same things.

“Speaking to the press, speaking to the radio, speaking to the public, going on the golf day when it’s there and the players did, there were a lot of youngsters actually because of the workload the first team have had. And it was a really enjoyable one. To continue doing the same and we don’t change.”

Has he had a call from owner Marcus Evans since the events of Tuesday? “I wouldn’t talk about that. My relationship with Marcus has always been win, lose or draw I’ll get a call at some stage and he’s the very same person at any performance level, result level. Whatever’s happened, he’s always exactly the same.

“And that’s what I’ve always really admired about him, that’s very supportive that, he’s not up and down, he’s very consistent.”

Will he know all about Tuesday even if he wasn’t there? “I would think so. Marcus is probably one of the brightest fellas I’ve ever come across, intelligent and knows what’s going on without having to be speaking to [me] every day. Yes, I think he’s fully aware of that.”

McCarthy says now it’s a case of moving on, although he reiterated that he doesn’t believe the Blues’ situation and performances warranted Tuesday night’s protests: “I spoke to them all this morning about continuing and being the same people.

“I don’t think we played particularly well but it certainly wasn’t as bad and the situation were in isn’t as bad as the reaction.

“But I do think the reaction was to me and not to them but they have to play in it.

“And the atmosphere was a disgrace on Tuesday night. And it will make it incredibly difficult to play if that’s going to be the case for the remaining games at home.

“And if it is, it’s ridiculous because it does affect the players playing in that and whatever I do, come and support the team, support the players.

“If they all want to stand afterwards and boo me and jeer me, fine. If it was to try and get me out and me to walk out it’s not achieved anything because I’m not going to.

“If it’s something to provoke Marcus into sacking me, well I’m still here doing the press conference for Bristol City and I’m certain I’ll still be here doing the press conference for Middlesbrough at home. So, we’ll see.”

He added: “The players had to play in it on Tuesday night. It’s not doing anybody any good. It’s not doing them any good, it’s not doing the team any good, it’s not doing the club any good.

“I’m here talking about it, it goes national and worldwide about about how people feel about it.

“And, you know what, perhaps I don’t want it to ruin my ‘brand’, how I perform and what people think of me, but I think that’s restricted to this area at the moment in terms of Ipswich fans about the job that I’ve done and how it’s been done here.

“But, as I said, don’t let it affect the players. The players are trying their legs off and running their socks off for everybody. It might not be good, it might not be great but they’re trying their best.

“I only ask is to give them the support and if then they want to give me grief at the end and boo me off, cool.”

McCarthy is aware that the frustration doesn’t just relate to current form or fans’ thoughts about him, but with the overall context of the Blues having been in the Championship for 16 seasons with little realistic prospect of promotion as things stand presently.

“Of course, I understand that,” he admitted. “Maybe they feel the need or what they want to see as change.

“Myself and the players can’t really affect all of that, we turn up and work hard in training and in games and try and do our best for the team.

“From coming in here, every year I’ve tried to get into the top six. I’ve been in it once and done my best, and all the players have.

“All the other stuff, I can’t affect. I’m dealing with the things on the pitch and with the players, so that’s what I’m saying it doesn’t reflect.

“I’m talking from my point of view from this training ground and the players, I’m speaking on behalf of me and them, not on behalf of how many managers were before me and the fact that they got relegated when they did and crowds are going down. We continue to try and do our best for the club.”

The impromptu post-match on-pitch meeting with players after the Hull match was illustrative of a siege mentality developing among the management and players.

Asked whether he felt that was healthy, McCarthy responded: “Have I created that? I take it always that if you’re inside this building you are inside peeing out, whether you’re at the top of the league or you’re bottom of the league, that’s the way it is.

“If you’re outside, you’re peeing in because that’s the way it is as well. And nothing’s changed with me, nothing at all.

“The only thing that’s changed is probably the amount of aggro I’m getting personally, and if that’s because we’ve been in the league for how many years or because the pitch is not great or the stadium’s not great or my football’s [not] great.

“They thought it was brilliant when I got them out of the dirt when they were seven points adrift, and they thought it was brilliant when we finished in the top six.

“And I haven’t changed. The only people who have changed are the people who are watching. If they’re getting bored of everything and I’m getting the flak for it, well so be it because I am the figurehead and I’m quite happy to take it.”

Is it easier when fans are among those inside the tent peeing out? “I think I give that message always. When I came to the club that was the case, that was my message and nothing’s ever changed - that we hadn’t got the best budget, I’ve got these players, I’ve got seven loan players and by the way we’re going to go out and give absolutely everything and do the best we possibly can.

“And that was accepted then because it was seen as a success finishing, what was it, 14th? It was accepted the following year because it was ninth. It’s really accepted and I’m ‘Dick S–t’ all of a sudden because we finished sixth.

“So I haven’t changed and I would love the fans to be on [side] but I can’t do that, I keep trying it.

“We go away and we win two away games, we’ve had two great results, we should have beaten Norwich, that would have been fabulous.

“So, I’m still doing my part of the bargain, absolutely 100 per cent doing my part of the bargain and if I can’t get them to buy into the way I do it on my part of the bargain, well you’re going to have to tolerate me for nine games at least, unless Marcus offers me to stay.”

McCarthy has previously said he doesn’t care what fans might think but clarified that position slightly: “Of course I care what fans think. When I say I don’t care, I don’t go home and lose sleep, I don’t go home and cry myself to sleep and I don’t lose sleep over it.

“I want to be with the fans, of course I do, wherever I am. It’s about the fans, they’ll be here when I’ve long gone, they’ll be here when all the players have gone. I would love the fans to be back on side, I’ve enjoyed my relationship with them.

“But, wow, I think I’m pretty much getting the thin of the wedge at the minute, I have to be honest.”

Last season McCarthy ruminated on fans becoming bored with managers after they’d been at clubs for long spells. Does he feel his time at Town is just coming to its natural end?

“Maybe, but the natural end will, of course, be at the end of the season when my contract runs out,” he added.

“So, I wasn’t walking away from my contract last year when I’ve got a year’s contract. Why should I walk out of work and go looking for something else?

“So, as I said, I’ve completed my end of the bargain, and I haven’t changed by the way since we win the first five games of the season when we were scoring goals for fun.

“I haven’t changed at all and I’m still completing my end of the bargain, which is my contract and unless that changes, there’s not a lot I can do about that.”

Does he believe there’s a lack of understanding among fans about how tough it is to compete in the Championship these days on the budgets he has been working with?

“I think there’s an understanding that fans want their team to be winning and to be playing well and to be a happy atmosphere and to come and socialise and be at a nice environment on a Saturday and we’re all in it together,” he reflected.

“We’ve had that for a long time, it’s not at the moment. However we get it back, that might mean me leaving, or might not be. That might mean me leaving and then you’re top of League One in a couple of years or something, that would be fabulous.”

He also said last season that he’d “hate to be coming in here with 12,000 or 10,000 season tickets or something when we’ve been used to far better if that’s down to me”.

Reminded of those comments, he said: “There’s a lot of support for me as well. There is a lot of support for me and for the team and not all negative and I don’t think that’s the case.

“And, yes, I’d love them to be back on side because I really enjoyed, certainly my first three and a half years here, four years, more than I’ve enjoyed this season. But that still doesn’t mean to say I’m not going to continue and be professional and do my job to the very bitter end.”

Has he experienced a similar schism with fans at any of his previous clubs? “I think at the end when it ends, I guess. I won the Championship with Sunderland and spent a year in [the Premier League there] and with Wolves and I think when it starts to come to an end you start getting a bit of grief.

“But I’ve had nothing like that [on Tuesday], I’ve had nothing like that atmosphere. I’ve had more hostile atmospheres, but I’ve never had that. That was like complete apathy and I don’t think there was any respect for the players actually, which is sad.

“Giving the manager stick is one thing, I think giving [it to] players is another thing altogether.”

Is he happy in his work at present? “I love my job at the moment. I come in every day and enjoy it. And pretty much as I walk out on a game day I enjoy that because I always think we’re going to get something out of it.

“And when we do it’s brilliant and when we don’t I just have to suffer the consequences, which I did on Tuesday night.”

Photo: TWTD

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Bluewelshman added 18:36 - Mar 15
Mick doesn't want us there.

Milne doesn't care if we are there.

Marcus is never there.

As the club really doesn't care what the fans (who pay a lot of money to see this s**t) want to see happen to the club we love, or give a damn about whether we are there or not...WHY THE F**K is there 10 to 13 thousand people still going.

I for one will not set foot back into Portman Road until the fans mean something to the players, manager, whatever the hell Milne is, and our M.I.A. chairman.

I will be watching Haverhill Rovers until that day comes, as I have had enough of this clubs total ignorance when it responds to fan's anger and frustrations.

Good luck to all of you who still go to the games while Mick is in charge, you must get off on disappointment.


Taricco_Fan added 18:48 - Mar 15
What annoys me about Mick is some of the strange tactical decisions. Waghorn has been on the bench for 2 of our last 3 home games during a goal drought at home. Instead he puts the ineffectual Sears and Celina (an out-and-out winger) up top to be bullied by monster Championship defenders.

It doesn't make any sense. Too often, the man does himself no favours, his regular swipes at the fans being another example of what will prove to be his undoing at this club.

The fans appreciate that, in general, he's doing an OK job on a shoestring budget and many of the clubs problems can be laid at Evans' door, but he needs to appreciate that football is entertainment and the fans want to see more attacking endeavour at home.

And it's not just the season ticket holders the club needs to retain. Matchday fans are paying £25-30 to watch this garbage and evidence suggests we are down to the hardcore of supporters at this point. If he stays, (actual) attendances will be 9-10k most games next year.

karls_dad added 18:50 - Mar 15
I think the attendance numbers for these last four games will speak volumes! the picture i saw of the crowd on Tuesday were unbelievable! said it before that it was not that long ago when the we had a 22/24k gate at every home game, i can remember going into to buy a ticket and looking for an available seat with a good view! now i can sit wherever i like! i can see these figures only dwindling further after MM,s comments and his somewhat baffling team selections, and obvious dislike of Town fans now, sad days ahead....................

Hoppersblue10 added 18:56 - Mar 15
"They thought it was brilliant when I got them out of the dirt when they were seven points adrift, and they thought it was brilliant when we finished in the top six."

Oh my days, thing is Mick the football back then was no better than it is now, difference is you can get away with carp football when you are winning more than you lose. The reason back then was Murphy having a year when everything he touched turned to gold, what has happened since then, same tactics but nobody upfront to bail you out!

black_shuck added 18:59 - Mar 15
Does anyone know what experience or qualifications Milne has to be the MD of ITFC?

itfchorry added 19:15 - Mar 15
So is your football

Tufty added 19:16 - Mar 15
I do 370 mile round trip to every Saturday home game
I will support the team win lose or draw as long as I am entertained.
I would do the same to watch a decent concert but not to watch paint dry.
Recently went to Accrington Stanley very entertaining if not the greatest quality, at least both teams played to the best of their ability.
As an entertainment football at Portman rd is poor.
You want us to cheer , then you need to give us something to cheer.
Would you go to a concert and cheer them if they just stood there and did nothing or might you just boo.

howdonblue added 19:22 - Mar 15
. Marcus is probably one of the brightest fellas I've ever come across,

He might be as a person but not as a football club owner he isn't!

He surely doesn't run his business like he does this club

Do one the lot of you Mcarthy and the board

Carberry added 19:25 - Mar 15
There's no leadership at the Club. How can Evans stand by and watch this unfold? It is a PR disaster that would never be allowed at his other companies. Milne is totally ineffectual and so McCarthy is allowed free rein. The clown has taken over the circus.

dirtydingusmagee added 19:28 - Mar 15
just boycott the remaining home games end of. Lets see the happy clappers on their own ,While those unhappy still attend , Mick thinks we are are a minority. STAY AWAY AND BE COUNTED . Spend your money on something that will make you happy for next four home games . NO BIG SACRIFICE , AND THE REAL PICTURE WILL BE SEEN BY ALL..

heathen66 added 19:29 - Mar 15
This is a man on the ropes throwing the windmill punches just hoping to land one.
One of the first things he said after the game was that he has not lost the dressing room, well I would hate to see it when you have if that was the team fighting your corner.
The Suffolk people are very laid back and patient people, who it generally take a fair bit to get them really upset. If the atmosphere on Tuesday was a disgrace then you have led a very sheltered life
We have had enough, and you spouting how great you are / have been is really not helping.
The way you set your teams up to play week in week out is the only real disgrace.
Objective No.1 - Stop the opposition
Objective No.2 - Stop the opposition
Some including yourself always hapr on about budgets, but in truth (according to Mr Milne) there has been money to spend.
It seems to me that the reason we have spent little money is because strengthening would be a threat to your favourites as these are the positions that we all highlight as a problem.
You were asked in January whether you had been given the money from the sale of Keifer Moore to spend on recruits, but your answer was 'No, I have not asked Marcus for any money. My question is why not ???
Any manager worth his salt would be straight on to the owner asking for money to strengthen, but apparent not you 'oh great one'.
The reason is clear as it is the same reason as why you got rid of Moore in the first place.
If Moore had of stayed you would have been 'forced' to play him and that would mean not playing one of the chosen few. Also if he had played and done well he would have proved you wrong and no one can be doing that can they ???
Also if you spent some money then expectations would rise and you would not be able to play the underdog so easily against the better managed sides.

You are living of the back of past glories, but the game has moved on, but unfortunately you have no. Time is indeed up I am afraid.
Thanks for what you did for us at the start, but your race is run.

Blue041273 added 19:36 - Mar 15
This is crazy! MM is going at the end of the season. End of! Nobody wants him to stay and he can't wait to be shot of the place. We will not go into next season under the current regime sure as eggs are eggs. We have nothing to play for now. Let's just support the players. Whatever anyone thinks about MM they don't deserve the toxicity that is currently enveloping the club. Give them the opportunity to play for their futures in a stable environment in the weeks that remain of the ashes of this season.

Suffolk_n_Good added 19:36 - Mar 15
Tuesday night was nothing compared to the likely reaction to you being given 2 more years!!

robpontin added 19:36 - Mar 15
Anyone saying Mick is good and the fans booing are a disgrace clearly are trolls just after a reaction no true blue could like this also 1 goal in 2018 at home is a joke at any club even the little town i live in that are non league and playing really bad have scored 7 at home any other club in the world would of sacked the manager by now 1 goal is just unacceptable and it comes down to the manager he trys to blame fans for his downfall he clearly is trying to get sacked in my view just we have a owner with no balls time to grow a pair Evans and run our club as it should be it's simple just do it better

OldClactonBlue added 19:54 - Mar 15
Just get out

Northstandveteran added 19:55 - Mar 15
You beat me to it dirty.

Just don't go!

If the stadium is empty and McCarthy gets a contract, at least we know which individual to vent our displeasure at and that it has been one long tax fiddle all along

BluedanW added 20:14 - Mar 15
I can't believe what I am reading! Who does he think he is? He really believes he's bigger than our club and obviously marcus evans must be massaging his ego, as he knows he will be here until the season ends even if we lost every game. Only because Evans is too tight to pay off his contract.

So he saved us from relegation 5 years ago and now we have to be eternally grateful to him despite the awful football he has served up the following 4 years. Needs must 5 years ago, but now there is no need for it, especially when we had a small shot at the play offs if he had the ambition to actually go out and try and win games. He couldn't even do this against Lincoln in 2 games, so no.real shock he can't try and be adventurous against Hull.

NorthFar added 20:24 - Mar 15
Did we play on Tuesday? I must have missed that.

Cakeman added 20:28 - Mar 15
Atmosphere a disgrace maybe but if so it has been brought on
by you Mr McCarthy and your boss Mr Evans, no one else!

Lightningboy added 20:36 - Mar 15
It's all about Mick i'm afraid & unfortunately he seems to be getting off on it.

That's the real disgrace.

ddgreen added 20:43 - Mar 15
Hmmm probably not the best things to say Mr McCarthy
I don't think he's herd of the phrase the customer is always right and that is what we are. It's like if you're not happy about something you brought from a shop your going to complain and that's what were doing.
I honestly don't think it is McCarthys fault entirely. I think the real culprit here is Marcus Evans underfunding us. I honestly think mick must have gone in to Marcus Evans office after Tuesdays game and said you know what I'm fed up of taking the blame for this give me some real funding or I'm walking at the end of the season.
As he's proven he can find the talent mings for example, yes there has been the bad ones to but I feel he earned the chance to be able to spend more money now and you never know next year that might give us more of a chance
All though what do we know were just the fans and don't really have a voice at our club

BluePatriot added 20:56 - Mar 15
Well said Mick
The Boo Boys stay away if you can't support your team. You just can't see the damage
You are doing to the players confidence, it's a no win cycle
I understand you want creativity and entertainment but sometimes in footie
You don't always get it, we are not relegated
We are mid table and still could finish higher and above the scum !!
Get behind the Blues !!

Edmundo added 21:58 - Mar 15
"That might mean me leaving and then you're top of League One in a couple of years or something, that would be fabulous.” shows his passion for our club. Wouldany of our previous managers have said that?

BluePatriot added 22:23 - Mar 15
You do not make should support your club or don't turn up.
As I said these protests are pointless, the manager has been honest and done his best
With what money he has had to work with
It seems that the boo boys would rather lose 3-6 every week, a style of football
Or just butthurt MM stood up to you lot
You lot are a disgrace what you did on Tuesday ......a laughing stock

Kuqicoo added 22:50 - Mar 15
BluePatriot...I went on Tuesday. I did not boo. I did not join in the chants. But I was fuming at the pathetic display. We can't even get the basics right. And I have to pay a fortune to watch it.
Just because you're happy with this, and happy a whole generation of new fans are staying away as well as many older supporters, doesn't mean we all have to be. We are haemorrhaging supporters. And that is not a good thing.

If you're happy with things great. Good for you. But don't make yourself out to be a better person than others on here

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