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McCarthy Looking for Opportunity to Get Back into Premier League After Town Exit
Wednesday, 11th Apr 2018 14:09

Departing Town boss Mick McCarthy has reiterated that he has no plans to retire having left the Blues after five and a half years in charge at Portman Road following last night’s 1-0 victory over Barnsley and says he is looking for "an opportunity to get back into the Premier League".

“I’m not packing it in," he told talkSPORT. “There was some misconception that I’m fed up with it, I’m tired and I’m getting old.

“I might be tired, and I might be getting old, but I’m not fed up with it. I want to get back in. I’m hungry for another job and another challenge.

“If the right job comes up, I’ll take it. I would like an opportunity to get back into the Premier League.”

Regarding his earlier-than-expected Town exit, he added: “It kind of came to its natural end. It was time to go.

"There was a breakdown in the relationship with me and some of the fans, but I’ve had wonderful support at Ipswich as well, so I’m not digging them out.

“I’ve been there for five and a half years and I think fans get bored of the same face, no matter how well you’re doing. But I’m cool with it. I’m a pragmatist, it does happen.

“I’ve had a fabulous time there, I’ve loved every minute of it. All good things must come to an end and it has been good and I have enjoyed it, but it’s time for me to do something else and it’s time for the club to do something else.

“It was lovely to finish on a win last night, despite the fact it was against one of my former clubs, Barnsley, and it left them in a perilous position. It’s time to move on and I’m excited by what might be out there.”

McCarthy has previously been mentioned in connection with soon-to-be-relegated West Brom, while Leeds, the club he supported as a boy, have been linked since his Portman Road departure.

Photo: Action Images

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blueboy1981 added 16:57 - Apr 11
Michael - you had a damn good, sound, well paid job here - instead of being the big I am, being somewhat more humble would have worked in your favour. Your loss - and down to no one but YOU.

In fairness, it would have to be a pretty desperate Premier Club who were desperate to ward off relegation to employ you as Manager - even then, my guess is that it would only be for that sole purpose.

You had it made here - you messed it up big time, by being what you were / are.
Lets hope you've learned from the experience, and in doing so become a bit less up front, and self righteous - and you may be able to survive in the game for a few more years as yet.

Popeye added 17:00 - Apr 11
Despite promotions to the premier league, when he has got there he has struggled and has eventually ended up getting the sack. Unlikely to get a premier league managers job unless he gets a team promoted.

blueboy1981 added 17:01 - Apr 11
Spot on TimmyH - and factual. Some (no names required) will conveniently not have noticed / intentionally overlook such things. And of course - keep clapping. As they do.

therein61 added 17:01 - Apr 11
An end to another chapter in the life of our club Mick has gone no point in looking backwards lets look forward and get this club going instead of stagnating

blueboy1981 added 17:09 - Apr 11
He's GONE - lets move on - and see some investment from Evans, first and foremost, to get the diabolical pitch sorted. Good ambitious Managers will not be impressed, and I am sure will ask questions.

Lets see everything ITFC once stood for - return. And we'll ALL be there.

grinch added 19:05 - Apr 11
He will most proably get another team and get rhem promoted with 6 points against us....lets just see...

braveblue added 19:09 - Apr 11
No chance of premier league. Only chance of a job will be a desperate club in trouble. The way he has conducted himself here will not do him any favours. Really don't think he leaves us any better than when he arrived.

RAH4 added 19:25 - Apr 11
Its over . move on.
Lets not undermine anyone ,and his, much lower paid support team, from getting a future job.

MicksZzzTactics added 19:44 - Apr 11
Nothing wrong with looking ahead Mick...

Now let me try... :-) :-)

Sorrrrry! but I couldn't help myself since I by pure chance came across this pic earlier today. But now on to a much more serious note: I too completely agree with what the majority of posters have been inferring on these hallowed TWTD pages within the last 36 hours or so: We as fans must NOW reconcile... and much like "The Departed" the self-perceived Infallible Mick here: Look forward with hope... not backwards with (to quote him) ANY regrets!

Or in other words let us ALL now think *super optismitic* like the venerable C.S. Lewis:

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind"

Gcon added 19:50 - Apr 11
Saved us from relegation.
Suffered zero support from the owner.
Got us into the playoffs.
Existed on a relegation budget (21st in league over the 5 years).
Made over £10m profit in player transfers.
Maintained an unquestionably solid team spirit amongst his squad throughout his entire tenure.
Made some very shrewd signings, many that the club will continue to benefit from (Garner, Huws, Waghorn, Bialkowski, Mings, McGoldrick)
Negotiated some great loan signings to supplement the lack of financial support (Williams, Fraser, Lawrence, Celina etc.).

Like him or loathe him, he deserved a far more respectful departure than last night. The booing, after he had announced his departure and gave yet another great young signing his debut, was an all time low for me as an ITFC supporter. Really embarrassing, and not the ITFC I know and love.

The numbskulls are dancing round their handbags but only luck will improve the fortunes of this club under the current ownership.

Best of luck to you, Mick. You did your best and I, for one, appreciate your time here.

MicksZzzTactics added 20:45 - Apr 11
WOW! @Gcon a very notable example of 'each to his or her own' as the saying goes I guess.... but quite alrighhteee indeed :-), so just to show my own skewed form of utmost *respect* no not so much to Mick himself (cause as explained elsewhere when seen on particularly a balance scale I sincerely don't find him quote "deserving" of much if anything at present! i.e. from me personally anno mid 2018) but predominantly to those many UNDERSTANDABLY mourning Mick worshippers then, I have dug up a little rarely heard these days & *hard-to-find* something to ehmmm soothe you at the bottom of this post....

That is for THOSE among said mourners that has shown some form or restraint, sensibility and not the least fresh forward-thinking! (as SOME of you gladly have!) in their "post-mortem" saluting remarks about Mick's ITFC ---- and thus NOT to those among you mourners who succumbed to a classic mere spouting of sanctimonious & CLEARLY vindictive vitriol often combined with pretty baseless or unsound calls for freakin' Deity like RESPECT to be shown for the man???!!!, the very SAME man who as explained earlier on this site has never been a giver of respect at ITFC (with the exception of an overdose of it unconditionally handed out to his favorites & 'Proper Blokes'!) on this concept of RESPECT which is the very epitome of a "two-way street"!!!!!!!!!! ... and who while as most recently @Gcon here just mentioned rightly did do SOME *positively* memorable things during his 5½ years here including "saving us" in 2012/2013 (but imho so could a sizable number of other seasoned managers likely have done were they cut from the more or less the exact same ultra defensive & ultra anti-football cloth as Mick!) additionally should also be remembered for these following not remotely *positive* deeds:

1) Greatly accelerated this now numerical colossal fan mutiny from ITFC (I say accelerated cause not completely at Mick's door obviously, since said mutiny also has partly to do with the increasing cost of being a football fan and then with the many detrimental or outright wrong decisions taken by Clueless & Indifferent Marcus The Owner during his sorry tenure!)

2) Greatly fueled this during especially the last 2-3 years of his 1-dimensional Dino reign: fairly all-embracing and steadily growing APATHY with the club & and the football it put on display, aye even among many of the objective & non points-fixated-only fans who still kept on going week after week!

3) And last but not least this aforementioned topic of the rightly very apparent lack of respect for him as a manager & strategic leader personally, which as I explained in detail elsewhere on TWTD by & large **sadly** was brought on ENTIRELY by his own grandiose ego & defiance driven self... by his own dispositions and actions... or lack hereof!
Call it KARMA if you will, but hmmmm from an peculiar Atheist's perspective like mine well then that old Holy book known as 'The Bible' is not all gibberishly wrong people! :-) lol: As in all but the odd case you really do wind up "REAPING WHAT YOU SOW" ... and that eventually goes for each and everyone of us H@m@ Sapiens on Planet Earth I kind of tend to believe!

But enough of MM & MM linked argumentation from me this round, cause while I will continue to defend myself and my fed-up-with-MM views also on TWTD ...and *occasionally* debunk some of those from others which are very severely NON-FACTUAL or baseless, I much prefer to concentrate wholeheartedly at what I said in my 1st post here on this article:

Let's reconcile NOW fans and make Portman Road great again!!!

You hear me too Marcus??? Cause yes a rather significant deal on this here revival Of ITFC we as forward-looking fans are hoping for, still depends considerably on you & your choices, managerial and otherwise, dear media-shy & turned tightaZzzed Mr. Evans!

Ohhhh and now as promised, that little *hard-to-find* something to respectfully soothe those *good* folks & fans still in MM based grief:

Enjoy! :D :D

wayway added 21:15 - Apr 11
He would be a good fit at Old Trafford

blueboy1981 added 21:58 - Apr 11
MAN UP - you miserable McCarthy Baskets - and MOVE ON.

I'm surprised the 'brigade' hasn't asked for six months of mourning.

Still same old - down marking people for being POSITIVE - MOVING ON - and LOOKING AHEAD to better things for the Club .............. you, yes you, who are the only ones who allegedly LOVE our Club.

The word 'allegedly' being the operative word. I guess a smile would serve to crack the face.

Gcon added 22:10 - Apr 11
Ah, Blueboy - The Queen of all Numbskulls and the KIng of embittered vitriol.
It's so unlike you to pipe up at this point in time....Silent in victory yet jubilant after every loss 'your' team suffers.
Suddenly you demand positivity?
I can be positive of one thing - You are a complete and utter hypocritical moron.
Don't forget your handbag on the way out, luv.

Northstandveteran added 22:45 - Apr 11

Actually some very valid points in the 1st paragraph 9:50.

Unfortunately, under McCarthy, going to football ceased to be enjoyable.

No one wanted to watch it.

And the bottom line is thousands of fans, including myself, gave up paying to do something they no longer wanted to do.

Can I also point out that the thought of grown men posting abuse to complete strangers over football is making me chuckle with absolute disbelief.
Come on gents, think about it.

Pathetic isn't it?

Can I suggest that before you post, you count to ten and then don't do it!


Swn98 added 22:49 - Apr 11
gcon our battle to educate the anti Mccarthyits is over we shall see as the months unfold if they got what they wished for so Bluebore you sanctimonious moron and pals its good night and by by(for now)

Esseeja added 22:49 - Apr 11
Gcon, You are the definition of billybaxter's term, "unsupporter", not only do we respect our team and voice our opinion, we are supposed to be a club we support, but to me, your a Norwich fan right now, calling everyone out (mostly the men), for having a "handbag", that's exactly what you need and what the club needs if it involves money stashes. Also, stop trying to act so smart in front of everyone, your acting like a t*@t

Northstandveteran added 22:51 - Apr 11
And mickszzztactics.

You need a new username.

Steijnsssssssizzlers is my suggestion should my prefered choice get the job!

MicksZzzTactics added 23:46 - Apr 11
HaHaHaHa .... classical super elegant @Gcon: "Overweight" ???!!! = Bingo! "Under-endowed" ???!!! = Bingo! "Masturbating" ???!!! = Bingo! etc. etc.

Bravo! Aye as expected you show you true grudge-bearing colors friendo, although I *in fact* largely respected your latest hyper subjective & clearly antagonistic in it's wording of others with a different view on MM than your own, little contribution (and btw I didn't downvote it as i see some other fed-up-with-Mick fans did which probably ticked you off!) and YOU thus perfectly adheres to those apparently eternally vindictive, inherently vile & just overall WAY WAY *out-of-line* for any sort of half-decent public chat-board (But hey! Lucky you! Cause sadly once again the esteemed TWTD administrators doesn't seem to care one iota!) among the MM mourners that I referred to in my 2nd paragraph i.e. the one you "supposedly" didn't read wink wink :-) :-) instead of just downvoting me as so you have done so often before...???

Ohhh wait I believe as with many of you super silly & baseless "The Silent Majority" and/or similar to others': "There is really only a minority of TWTD members or EADT/IS readers who wants MM gone" posts for instance which I for one completely took apart & debunked , you have just handed yourself yet ANOTHER "explanation problem" just now dear fellow, cause how come I've received innumerous of downvotes from you IF as you quote "For the *first* time" attempted to read one of my longwinded & yes Bingo!!!! once again = "SOLELY intended to impress others" :-) lol posts .... cause upwards of 75 percent of them posts usually winds up being of this size ...and of this "poorly hidden (grandiloquent!) nature" too of course :-) lol???

Ahhh pleaZzz don't tell me that you in essence *occasionally* have been blindly downvoting another poster's input without actually reading it, or more than a mere few opening lines of it if it was of a lengthy kind??? Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk you ILL-MANNERED "sack of roses"!!! ... Extra shame on you then since it basically makes you little better than some well-known selected few TWTD members (you all know who you are so no great need for me personally to again mention your usernames!) who in a unmistakable persecution like manner -- until YESTERDAY at least -- had a hmmmm peculiar "tendency" to OCD downwote very close to EACH & EVERYONE of my inputs (and some others pesky anti-MMer's too btw) they happen to catch, aye even included those inputs that either contains nothing that remotely warrants a downwote of any kind and/or were near identical to other posters (in their pov or message) but who "strangely" didn't get any downvote from the very same grudge-bearing members???

Aye TWTD and this here football club's fanbase has some very very etiquette abiding & "FINE PERSONS" among them indeed!

ipswich134 added 08:55 - Apr 12
I would like to know how much MM SPENT and how much transfer fees we received ? I won't be surprise if it was more in than out. So saying he spent 9 yrs in Championship Football means very little. If next season he spends 10 m and get his team promoted Evans will look like a fool !

MicksZzzTactics added 10:02 - Apr 12
@TWTD Administrators

Thanks for apparently emphatically having removed @Gcon's WAY WAY out-of-line for any decent public chat site largely obscene & ultra heinous post addressed to yours truly somewhere between 22.00-23.00 PM yesterday here on this article.

I.E the one with@Gcon addressing me (or rather unmistakably vilely 'personal attacking' me) as being, among other super delightful things: "Overweight", "Under-endowed" ,"Flamboyantly Masturbating" etc etc. ....And for mere clarification purposes aimed at those new readers visiting this article here today, and who might not quite grasp the 1st line of my 23.46 reply to the excessively ill-mannered @Gcon, well in short it isn't me calling him/her these nasty things people! but simply me reciting some of those things he/her called me!

Gladly I thus see that you the TWTD Administrators really do care about serious forms of "ABUSE"...after all! Thanks again guys & and I hereby promptly apologize for me -- based not on personal experiences but largely on 'hearsay' -- insinuating otherwise yesterday.

Seasider added 17:06 - Apr 12
Until your2nd post MicksZZZTactics thought that you were saying these things about another Town Supporter in Gcon.That was why I down marked you as I thought it was disgusting.
It was equally disgusting of him/her/it to address these remarks to you,which I note were removed,quite rightly by TWTD.


Gcon added 21:48 - Apr 12
Wise up man, it was simply a good humoured METAPHOR for your verbose, self-indulgent, non-sensical writing style. Get a dictionary and head to M, if you are still struggling.


black_shuck added 20:27 - Apr 13

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