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Keane Looking to Bounce Back at Norwich
Keane Looking to Bounce Back at Norwich
Monday, 22nd Nov 2010 09:15

Boss Roy Keane hopes next Sunday’s derby will prove the ideal game for his side to return to form after three successive defeats (BBC1, 1pm). Robert Koren’s second half strike was enough to give Hull City a 1-0 victory over the Blues at the weekend.

Keane said: “Hopefully it’s a good game for us to try and bounce back. It’s away from home and it’s a derby and we’ve watched enough games to know they’re hard to predict and that in a sense your form goes out the window.

“That might be a good thing because our form over the last three games, despite the effort having been fine, has seen us lose games. You can’t keep losing football matches because the pressure builds and then you go into the next game and it’s a ‘must-win game’.

“Then sometimes you take silly gambles, but first and foremost going into the game next week we want to be hard to beat and we’ll take it from there.”

The Blues boss says everybody at a club feels it when a side loses games: “Pressure builds on everyone when you don’t win football matches. I keep saying pressure builds from within. We’re disappointed ourselves and next week is a game we want to win because we’re dropping down the league. The derby one is always a good one to look forward to.”

Keane said on Friday that he believed progress had been made in his time at Town, but concedes that his team have to show that on the pitch: “Despite me sitting here and trying to talk a good game, you’ve got to go out and do the business and we’ve not done that. That pressure builds on trying to get the right result in the next game.

“It’ll be a long week because a week is a long time in football, but we’ll have to lick our wounds and our supporters will be looking forward to a tough game next week.”

Meanwhile, on-loan Town defender Jack Ainsley suffered a nightmare debut with Histon having been at fault on three of Luton’s goals as they defeated the Stutes 5-1 on Saturday.

Photo: Action Images

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bluelady added 16:16 - Nov 22
BlooooCD im with you. a defeat is never nice to stomach, but when you have played well you can come away and say boy were we unlucky today. Saturday we went out for a Nil Nil then when they sneaked a goal all Keane could do was moan about deflections, penaltys that should have been etc........NO KEANE WE WERE NOT GOOD ENOUGH, WE DIDNT DESERVE ANYTHING FROM THE GAME. Im sorry but anyone who is happy turning up week in week out to watch that drivel must be mad. Beginning of season looked promising, heads were up, ball passed around nicely so what does he do, change it all around and it all goes *its up. 451 will work if you have someone to supply i.e a good attacking right back like JP (ok not so good at defending i admit). but when our FB's dont cross the half way line we are in deep trouble. Rosinier showed how it was done on saturday, running the wing, can see why he went, much too attacking for our game. so its not personal, i loved it when Keane came here, id love him to succeed, but i cannot face the thought of that wasted season ticket for what i am getting in return week in week out. im sorry if that has upset the pro keane fans, i was once one of you guys.

Lightningboy added 16:23 - Nov 22
It shows how badly we want rid of Keane when there are some (probably many) who'd actually willingly take a defeat on the chin next weekend to put an end to this miserable affair...very brave words stinkiusminkius and I applaud you for saying what many are now thinking.

Victory vs the budgies bizzarely cost Jim his job,why should any other result save Keane?

Daleyitfc added 16:44 - Nov 22
As has already been stated : if Keane stated he was NOT looking to bounce back, that would be a bigger story! I think we will probably win at Norwich : then(hopefully) Norwich will stay true to form and steal our manager off us within the week. If only they really were THAT stupid ......

dirtydingusmagee added 16:51 - Nov 22
exactly Blooocd its the dismal way we are playing which is hard to stomache as much as result,even games won havnt really been great specticals to watch.It is really dire to watch now,and to have to pay through nose to watch it is too much.I love football, weekends arent the same without it,but i will be getting more satisfaction now watching local teams over the park,.

fourth added 16:58 - Nov 22
It's going to cost money to get rid of Keane. I'm willing to put up £50.

alfromcol added 17:00 - Nov 22
Going to watch Col U this Saturday in the FA Cup, hoping to see some decent tactics and a team willing to entertain the paying customer. Who knows if I like it I might go again!

itfchorry added 17:17 - Nov 22
We did not have one shot on target against Hull. We have lost 6 out of the last 8 matches, most of which have been against some really poor teams.

We are going absolutely no where with keane. The gate is dipping below 19,000 -Ye Gods !
Let's get rid of him before he does any further damage to our club.

Keane Out

warwickblue added 17:27 - Nov 22
I'm now beginning to think that the result at Norwich is neither here nor there - although for the record I would take a heavy defeat (through gritted teeth) if it was certain to spell the last game in charge for Keane. However, I think the post that said that keane has lost the fans - which he clearly has - and is therefore on borrowed time is the reason why, win, lose or draw on Sunday Keane will be on his way.
"Then sometimes you take silly gambles..."says Keane. Well, you've taken a few with us here in Suffolk, Roy, in the last eighteen months and, if the views on here represent the true fan-voice, we have delivered our verdict.

EatonBlue added 17:29 - Nov 22
I am going to support the Club 100% during these next two important games, regardless of the management issue. Therefore no negative comments.

choprawontcome added 17:29 - Nov 22
so then in other words we are setting ourselves up to be beaten again,1 upfront against the scum,this bloke really needs to get a grip on what us fans want and ITS HIM OUT NOW!!!!! He doesnt understand our fan base at all and is obviously in this for himself,no-one else,he loves to be hated like the rest of his career as a player and boy is he being hated right now,nothing will ever change until he goes,i was really hoping hed be gone today,call it wishful thinking but i will not return until he goes then there will be A MASSIVE celebration when he does,just like the good ole days when wed beat naaaaridge up every season,i think keane leaving now would spark a bigger celebration than any victory against them and thats very sad to say but i believe it true.....Naaaaridge must be rubbing their hands together for this weekends derby.........

runaround added 17:38 - Nov 22
The "hard to beat" quote from Keano always worries me. He has set out to make us like that this season from the start. At first it worked, however 7 defeats in the last 10 league game suggests its no longer working. Actually attacking teams, keeping possession of the ball and looking to score more goals than the opposition will also make us hard to beat but Keane cannot seem to grasp that fact.
Its the total lack of attacking or entertaining football that is putting fans off from going and making them want Keane out, not the results(although they arent good right now)or his personality.
We all realise that you cannot win every game and we have no divine right to go up even with a millionare backer, however we would like to be entertained and for the team to try and win each game. Losing a game after trying to win it happens and is acceptable, losing a game after trying for a nil nil is not.
Keane's tactics aren't working but he just doesn't seem to realise this or know/want to change.
I would love him to turn it all around as that would mean a successful ITFC and I will be in front of TV cheering us on Sunday(couldnt afford ticket)and at all the home games but If he cannot turn things around and we continue losing matches by playing for nil nil draws then he has to go, simple as that.

Seasider added 17:44 - Nov 22
In 1997 against Leeds Keane injured himself for a bad tackle BY HIM on Alf Inge Haaland.Four years later Keane made the worst tackle I have ever seen on Haaland then playing for Man City(|Listed in top ten of worst tackles).See it on You tube if you dont believe me,which in his biography admitted it was retribution.A leopard doesnt change its spots and I think he is being bloody minded by not trying to win games(Hull City Manager said Ipswich went there looking for a draw)and by his remarks re Norwich game is going into that with same attitude.I cant influence the result and for once wouldn't mind if we were thrashed which hopefully would rid us of this Irish thug.

whoppit added 17:46 - Nov 22
IF and it's a big IF but if we somehow manage to beat the scummers on Sunday, I wonder if the pro-Keano's will be out again??

BlackandBlue added 18:10 - Nov 22
Dear Marcus Evans,
In keeping with the Big Society I would like to volunteer to become the next manager of Ipswich Town. I know there isn't a vacancy at the moment, but I'm hoping that when you read this you might consider freeing up the position. I won't require a salary, or expenses, When I screw up and you want to get rid of me I promise I'll go without asking for a pay-off and without moaning about you to the press.
I confess I have no experience of running a football club whatsoever, I have no contacts in the game, and my only knowledge of football management is what I have built up over 35 years of loyal supporting this club. On the plus side I'm quite amiable and think it is unlikely that I will fall out with key players. And if it all works out you won't need to worry about me being poached. I come from Ipswich and really have no ambitions to move on to bigger club. My sole motivation for this application is that I love this club and I want to see it succeed. I'm happy to concede that there are more able candidates for the job than me. But just in case you thought you couldn't do any better than the manager we have at the moment I thought I'd let you know that as a community spirited chap I'm happy to help out.
P.S. I'm free on Sunday

Mungo added 18:18 - Nov 22
For the record, I would be very disappointed if we were "thrashed" on Sunday. I don't want it to happen. I want a decent performance. I accept that our form is poor and we may well lose, so long as the boys give it a go and it isn't embarrassing, I'll be proud...

I do think RK's time is coming to an end. ME is no mug and and, regardless of RK's claims of 'progress' being made, he will realise that our form is no more consistent than it was under Jim, and that the RK publicity stunt has been a failure. The falling attendances are a serious concern and this will only be addressed if the team start playing a more enjoyable game, something which looks increasingly unlikely under RK...

I_8_NARWICH added 18:34 - Nov 22
Just heard that the scum have now got Henri Lansbury on loan from Arsenel, GOD HELP US!!
I know this sounds terrible but i would actually take a one goal defeat because thats how bad i feel about this game that i belive that we could lose by 3 or 4 :( Come on Keane and Town prove me wrong, plllleeeaaaassseeeee :/

Blue041273 added 18:35 - Nov 22
So RK is looking to bounce back on Sunday. Has he not noticed that we're falling so fast now there isn't even any sight of the floor to bounce back from? 6 defeats in 8; if anyone believes that the play offs are still possible at this point please come on here and give us something to laugh about.

Last Saturday was a perfect opportunity to re-assess the approach and really give it a go. But no. All we got was 'same old - same old'. Can he not see that his current strategy/philosophy is totally discredited. Hull must have breathed a sigh of relief on Saturday; flat back 4 (all centre backs) - midfield bank of 4 (all central midfielders) - 1 floater who was detailed to support midfield rather than providing support to JS up front on his own. There is not necessarily anything wrong with playing 1 up front provided that the player chosen to fill the role has the necessary qualities to do it. He must have either a) height to win the high balls in front of the defense; b) mobility to drag defenders out of position by moving short or wide to collect the ball; or c) speed to run the channels, picking up balls played over the top thereby keeping the markers on the backfoot and leaving space for supporting players to bomb through the gaps. Unfortunately JS does not possess these attributes in any great abundance. He was brought in to be our 'fox in the box' but rarely finds himself there at the same time as the ball these days. RK has changed his job description and you can see from his body language that he is not happy

Why he continues with this belief that he knows better than anyone else baffles me. We are being led like lambs to the slaughter next Saturday and ritual humiliation on national television awaits unless he wakes up and smells the coffee.

jas0999 added 18:53 - Nov 22
Whether you are pro or anti Keane, I am sure we all as ITFC fans have one thing in common - WE DON'T WANT TO LOSE TO NORWICH. So just a novel idea - rather than bickering, rather than slating Roy, lets ALL get behind the team and show our support - even itf it's just for one day!

Come on Town - you can do it!

alfromcol added 19:07 - Nov 22
Hi Blue041273

No good putting you in charge of the team, you don't even know what day the game is being played!!

Blue041273 added 19:21 - Nov 22

Good point! Wishful thinking I guess.

HadleighBlueBoy added 19:46 - Nov 22
I dont personally understand the animosity toward Keane on this board.

I think he is clearly out of his depth and should be replaced but it gives me no pleasure to say that. If he had been successful it would have meant ITFC were successful and thats what we all want. I dont suppose Keane set out to fail deliberately after all!

As for Sunday I would never ever want the scum to beat us for any reason whatsoever.

dirtydingusmagee added 20:00 - Nov 22
you can get help HadleigBlueBoy,

kentblue added 20:01 - Nov 22
HadleighBlueBoy - I believe the animosity towards Keane is well justified . Why ? - the comments he makes, the way he treats both players and the supporters, the tactics (lack of ) and team selections he makes etc etc not forgetting the total disregard for anyone apart from his self- inflated ego.
I agree he most probably didn't SET OUT to fail but he his lack of man management skills and poor tactics have brought about this situaution . I don't believe he has loyalty or passion for ITFC - he is too wrapped up in his own ego .

yorksblue added 20:09 - Nov 22
Evans Out, Clegg Out, Keane Out, then let's get back to having football people running the club.

TOWNNNNNN added 20:14 - Nov 22
If keane was to go, who would be cartaker manager??

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