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McCarthy: No Argument With the Result, We Were Beaten By a Better Team
Saturday, 27th Jan 2018 18:14

Boss Mick McCarthy had no argument with the result after Town were beaten 1-0 by Championship leaders Wolves at Portman Road, conceding that the Blues had come up against “a better side”.

“I’m always disappointed when we lose, but I can’t really argue with the result,” McCarthy admitted.

“I’m disappointed we conceded, we had possession twice and gave it away and it ends up in our net, which it shouldn’t have done.

“But Bart’s made some good saves, they are a very good side. We were beaten by a better team, but I can’t argue with my lads or complain at them for the effort and application they give.

“Could we be better at times, regarding quality with the ball? But they give me and they give this club everything every week and I’ll settle for that.”

McCarthy felt Wolves taking the lead when they did allowed them to dictate the rest of the game.

“The goal knocks the stuffing out of you and it enables Wolves to play,” he reflected. “They’ve got five at the back when they want five at the back. They drop two in and the two wide players drop in, it’s hard to play through them.

“And, by the way, they’re a very good side as well and they make it very hard. It’s a bit of parasite football, they can play and prey and feed on our mistakes.

“I don’t blame them for it, they’re very good at it and when they break they’ve got quality. But I’ve no complaint with my lads the way they performed.”

Explaining why he didn’t make any subs until the triple change seven minutes from time, he said: “I’d got my top scorer on, I’ve got Garns who scored in the last minutes last week, Didzy, he produced the bit of magic in the last knockings last week. I’d got my attacking four on.

“Wardy’s not played for three weeks but I thought we might get a bit out of him. I’d my goalscorers on, my goalscorers were on the pitch.”

Man of the match Bialkowski agreed a new two-year deal with an option for a third this week and the Pole showed exactly why McCarthy was keen to tie the 30-year-old down to a longer term deal.

“It was a snapshot of him today, that’s been him every week since he’s been here, he’s been excellent,” the Blues manager said. “That was a bit of good news for the club which at the time needs it.”

McCarthy was also pleased with full and home debutant Stephen Gleeson’s display: “He’s good Glees, I’m pleased with him. No qualms with him at all.

“I think he’s done very, very well. And considering his lack of game time I thought he got through it as well.”

Regarding the Irish international’s first-half booking for what looked a superb challenge on Neves, McCarthy added vehemently: “That’s a bollocks booking. We might as well all just pack in and stop doing it.

“You’ve got me animated, I was trying to be calm! Complete and utter… what a fabulous tackle. I just don’t see it, I really don’t. But I’m not going to say anything else about it because I might get myself in trouble.”

Ahead of the transfer window closing McCarthy says he’s not expecting any more additions: “No, I don’t think so. We’re getting some players back from injury, which is good. Grant Ward came on and did well.

“Webbo’s coming back, we’re getting a few players back from injury, Luke Hyam came on, that’s going to help us.”

And similarly isn’t currently anticipating any exits, despite striker David McGoldrick understood to be interesting a number of clubs. Of the sides believed to be keen, only Fulham were represented at today’s match.

“Unlikely, but I don’t know,” McCarthy said when asked about the likelihood of exits before Wednesday’s deadline.

“You never know, something pops up at the last minute, we’ll wait and see. I can’t really afford to lose anybody.”

Wolves manager Nuno Espírito Santo was delighted with his team’s display, which saw them increase their lead at the top of the Championship to 12 points.

“I’m happy about the performance that the boys had today,” he said. “That’s what makes me really pleased, the way they were organised, stuck together, the shape, defensive organisation that allowed us to then go out and create a lot of chances. I’m very happy and I have to congratulate the boys for their hard work.”

Nuno also had praise for Blues keeper Bialkowski: “I think the goalie of Ipswich was one of the best men on the pitch, that says a lot about how many situations we created.

“I think we controlled them and then we created a lot and it could have been a different score. But the important thing is the creation, the opportunities. The goals will come naturally.”

Photo: TWTD

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Blue_Again added 19:48 - Jan 27
It did Timmy, Arsene Wenger

blueboy1981 added 20:22 - Jan 27
........ time for the Yellow Van, and the man with the White Coat to collect someone beginning with R...... !!!

MicksZzzTactics added 20:25 - Jan 27
An absolute novelty among Zzzz Dino statements: "Beaten by a better team" ...But wait what's this here now: An alleged UNphotoshopped paparazzi shot of him 'fist pumping' that very indisputable fact???!!!

:-) :-) :-) :-)

“He's good Glees, I'm pleased with him. No qualms with him at all!"

LOL! ...Aye worklike he probably does put in a real "proper blokish" & grinding "shift", especially in those dinosauric & chronically ecstatic-with-players-formerly-under-your-command eyes of yours Mick, ....and ohhh he is capable of passing the the ball ...forward! (unlike "PL worthy" ExSkusey and his former sidekick "in a different class" Snooze Doggy Douglas). But c'mon man!, seriously not only MUST there quite simply be tangible reason(s) as to why he couldn't get into that awesome awesome juggenaut-like squad they currently have in Birmingham, but also your Dino assessement of today (unlike last game's much shorter sub appearance) completely contradicts the well respected & very THOUROUGH (and always plain neutral!) statgeeks & observers working with/for WhoScored dot com: they have him as the WORST player, rating-wise, among the 22 who started today???!!! :-) LOL

So while I too honestly have ehhhh no REAL "qualms with him" too, on the other hand I also feel compelled to stress that the venerable *Gleeeees* in all likelihood is "Bang Average" best, but of course lol when DIRECTLY COMPARED to some of those who have "reigned supreme" in our midfield in recent years under the Dino he might *on occasions* actually LOOK quite good, especially when wearing them awesome bluetinted spectacles or worse: blinkers!, in said comparison. :-) LOL

And having straigthten all that *gleasy* business out, now back to a still strangely *all-smiling* Mick ...wearing that Wolves outfit again???!!! making a rare 'GOOD CUPPA' for himself and his faithful prehistoric "underscrogsman" Terry (and thus not the usual other way around!) :-) LOL


sotd78 added 20:25 - Jan 27
Some on here complain because McCarthy comes out with the same old lines. Well so do you all. Sometimes we have to accept we aren't as good as the opposition. Today every Town player left everything on the pitch. There's no fault to be laid at any door from player, manager, fans or even the catering. Without proper investment it will not change. Whether the blinkered want MM out or not.

TractorBeezer added 20:38 - Jan 27
I agree with MM's comments. The effort was there and we played the ball on the deck with minimal hoofball. Wolves had better quality players which is why they lead the championship by 12 points.
The usual criticisms about setting up to defend and playing hoofball not valid today.

1RWR added 20:39 - Jan 27
The only person on here who's spoken any sense whatsoever is sotd78, everyone is grizzling and griping at MM blaming him for losing. Losing to who? Wolves who've spent millions, absolute millions. I was there today, their back four are all massive, More like rugby players. We played well, hadn't got the 'final touch' but nevertheless had a good crack!
Wolves have an affluent owner who's ploughed millions in to their club, we haven't. Wolves have Premiership players in waiting, sadly we haven't.
I think it's grossly unfair to blame MM, trust me I want him out come May, but be fair chaps, today was one of those days, whether you agree with MM or not, we were beaten by the better team, sorry.

Kikapu added 21:34 - Jan 27
1RWR - Don't be sorry for what you quite rightly wrote, including your support for what sotd78 wrote. You have to admit moaners you do on a bit and it's no different each week.

blue75 added 22:12 - Jan 27
10 more points and we should be safe. Then can we please put Mr McCarthy on gardening leave and then give someone time to assess our square before they try and make us better next season. McCarthy staying will just make it worse for the new man come the summer!!!

Bluesquid added 22:18 - Jan 27
lol, parasite football. Bonkers!!!

planetblue_2011 added 22:32 - Jan 27
Does he say the same every time we loose, beaten by the better team.
Get him out end of the season, complete tool that bloke!!

heathen66 added 22:46 - Jan 27
No Mick, you told us before the game they were good and cost a lot of money....and you are stilltelling us
As a yorkshireman,I thought you would have tried to have proved them wrong as you like to do with us supporters, but seemed quite happy to let them do as they pleased.
We did not deserved what we got (should have been more) as Bart saved us yet again, and Wolves did not need to get out of first gear to beat us comfortably.
You set up negative again as even at 1-0 with 10 mins left the 2 CMs were still sat 1 yard in front of the defence.
Take a fullback off, play 2 up front, get Didz in the No.10, get Celina attacking from the off...just try something...anything...PLEASE!!!!

shakytown added 22:54 - Jan 27
the biggest difference between the teams was in off the ball movement. Wolves moved quickly and got into awkward places for us where our lot moved their hands to their hips and watched. No pace in our team and very little imagination outside of Celina.

Vanisleblue2 added 23:17 - Jan 27
Its not because its not true- yes I am sure the Wolves are the better team...but its almost every week that we hear "No complaints they are the better team. " I am sick to death of it. When will our Manager say we need to do better, reach the heights of all of these teams he says are better than us- I want us to be better. You have had five years and the team is no better. Magilton had a much better team playing better so did Royle and Burley.
Next week it will be "Sunderland are in a false position they are a good team and played better than us. It's always a tough place to play and my players did all they can- no disgrace in losing to such a good team" I'm bored to death

norfolkbluey added 23:25 - Jan 27
Another disappointing result. But this and has been the case so many times over the last few years. It is so depressing being an ITFC supporter.
We used to chant boring boring Ipswich when we had put 5 past Burnley!
It's good to see Stead still scoring goals. Perhaps we could get him back?!

bigfatjoe87 added 23:54 - Jan 27
Alan judge to come in on loan for rest of season

Woodbridgian added 00:00 - Jan 28
MCCarthy you sound like a stuck record!

clint_eastwood added 01:17 - Jan 28
Yea, we lost. And yea, we were crap. BUT surprisingly........we actually kept the ball on the ground & didn't hoof a lot!! I must say I'm very surprised with that. I like it!

Surco72 added 01:48 - Jan 28
Wolves are in a lot better position now than when they sacked MM we are in decline . The Wolves chairmen obviously had a lot more balls than Evans weak efforts of running a football club

Wacko added 05:02 - Jan 28
Some people still defend McCarthy but every time a great performance by Bart happens (and MM comments how good he is) I always remember the time he consistently played Gerken when everyone knew he was the far inferior keeper. And yet he goes on about why he's the manager and why we're the fans and we know nothing. Apparently

Wacko added 05:02 - Jan 28
Some people still defend McCarthy but every time a great performance by Bart happens (and MM comments how good he is) I always remember the time he consistently played Gerken when everyone knew he was the far inferior keeper. And yet he goes on about why he's the manager and why we're the fans and we know nothing. Apparently

martin587 added 09:27 - Jan 28
Some of your comments are justified,others I disagree with.Firstly everybody is welcome to post on these pages as I'm sure almost all of us want the best for our club.You will always get the ones who go overboard but then that's life.
Personally I've not missed a game home or away for many seasons and I therefore feel justified in airing my views,but however much I dislike the Managers comments tactics etc he has over the seasons managed to secure some quality loans And signing,so on that score I would say he had done very well.
On the playing side over the past few seasons I feel we have achieved very little and at present the future for the club does not look promising.The uncertainty at the club due to the possible departing of MM at the end of the season does not help anybody.
The gates are well below average and I fear season ticket sales will struggle unless the owner appears,and explains his plans for the future of this club.
You state investment is required to revive the club and make us more competitive and yes I agree with you on this but many don't.I personally think we have a good squad of players at the club and with a small investment could well be fighting for a top six place,but not I'm afraid this season.A lot has to be desired of MM's tactics,sudstitutions and his comments of "we were beaten by a better team". How many times has he said that this season.It just feels as though every damm team is better than us.Who do we blame for that.? There is only one person and that is MM.
Uncertainty like this does not help us.We need commitment from both owner and manager and this is NOT what we are getting.
Until the PAYING supporters get what they want we will always get overboard comments.
I rest my case.Have a nice Sunday all.👋

Pilgrimblue added 12:42 - Jan 28
Every Club in our division relies on loans and cheap buys with maybe a few spending big BUT these are MM's choices and for me we were short of pace (they were always quicker to the ball and could attack with speed) short of size (too weak in tackles coming second best and headers) and short of skill.
Looking through their squad and some didn't cost. Their scorer came up through their youth but he was heads above our full backs. Thought Jonas had very poor game yesterday, too slow and little forward movement and what's happened to his long throws!! Spence was ok but with McD looking very disinterested it was a shame that Rowe wasn't helping him.
CCV is definitely quality and rarely wasted a pass but is he better than Webster? As for Gleeson, he was trying but lacks size to command although his booking was a decent tackle. Liked the way he tried to get forward which is better than Skuse at times.
But looking at the two teams they looked bigger so Garner had no chance. Not bad but would have liked to see McKendry or Morris given chance.

Seasider added 14:04 - Jan 28
Nothing to disagree with in that interview;but I get the impression that Mick was accepting the inevitable of losing to Wolves.
Yes we passed it neatly,but little in the final third;however realise that we were up against a very good Defence.
Invariably when Town (Rarely)got near the opposition box,the ball was passed out wide,allowing Wolves to settle and wait for the crosses which were easily headed away by the giant Wolves defence.It may have been different had we had a Murphy or a Moore in their penalty area;but we don't ,so why adopt that tactic all the time.It is so predictable
.Only three decent efforts from Celina, Waghorn and McGoldrick unfortunately two were not on target and Didsy's effort was dealt with by Ruddy;the only effort of note really.Unlike Bart who made at least half a dozen good saves to keep us in the game.

Only one win in eight now with 4 goals scored.McCarthy doesn't seem bothered and neither does Evans,otherwise he would have got rid of this Manager before now.

Surely with a crowd below 16000 for a visit of the Champions elect,and very quiet, Evans must realise that the status quo is not working,and if he leaves things as they are the season ticket sales will continue to fall;and the dream of promotion will become an even more vain hope.

roytheboy added 16:51 - Jan 28
I'm surprised that there is little or no mention on here about the numerous, uninspiring sideways and backwards passing, we appeared to have no strategy whatsoever going forward, surely Mick and Terry do not coach them to play such boring and unproductive football, I for one am getting very disillusioned and totally fed up with sitting in the cold watching such poor football, yes the boys did put a good deal of effort in, but you cannot win games if you don't try and get the ball into the oppositions half.

blueboy1981 added 17:15 - Jan 28
Well we've been reeled in by that lot up the road - can we now expect a pass anytime soon on the outside - or are you / your team capable of doing something about the goal drought ..... ???


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