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How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? 19:54 - Nov 2 with 350182 viewsnoggin

Yeah but Owen Jones...
[Post edited 3 Nov 2023 9:05]

Poll: If KM goes now, will you applaud him when he returns with his new club?

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 20:34 - Feb 23 with 3828 viewsWeWereZombies

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 20:12 - Feb 23 by DJR

Netanyahu's post-war plan for Gaza, published in the last 24 hours, states that Israel will work to ensure the permanent closure of UNRWA.

Leaving aside the current allegations, Israel has long accused UNRWA of perpetuating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by extending refugee status to millions of descendants of Palestinians who fled or were forced out of homes in today’s Israel at the time of the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, rather than limiting such a status only to the original refugees, as is the norm with most refugee populations worldwide.

As the following article from 2018 indicates, a shift to, say, UNHCR refugee criteria would strip refugee status from millions of Palestinians.

These passages from the article are illuminating and explain Netanyahu's thinking.

"At a cabinet meeting in January, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to gradually take over the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Netanyahu argued that the former, the UN agency charged with aiding refugees fleeing persecution and conflicts around the world, has legitimate criteria for granting refugee status, whereas the latter, the UN body tasked with supporting Palestinian refugees, does not.

He also contended that UNRWA “perpetuates the Palestinian refugee problem.”

Were responsibility for the designation transferred to the UNHCR, millions of Palestinians would lose their refugee status — which is a key factor in the longstanding demand by the Palestinian leadership for refugees to be granted a “right of return” to today’s Israel. How many exactly of the 5.4 million Palestinians registered by UNRWA as refugees would lose that designation under UNHCR? It’s complicated, as we will see.

But based on a comparison of UNRWA’s refugee figures and the assessments of James Lindsay, a former UNRWA legal adviser who has written extensively on the differences between UNHCR and UNRWA, almost all of Jordan’s 2.2 million UNRWA-designated refugees would likely lose their status under UNHCR criteria, as would most of Syria’s 560,000 and just under half of Lebanon’s 521,000. All 2.17 million UNRWA-designated refugees in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem would lose that status were those areas to become parts of a sovereign Palestinian state. This would leave a refugee total of a little over half a million.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians left or fled what is today’s Israel at the time of the 1948 Arab-Israel war, known in Israel as the War of Independence. Ever since, their leadership has demanded in intermittent negotiations with Israel that they and their descendants be allowed to “return,” although Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has also said outside of the formal negotiating framework that he would not seek to destroy or drown Israel as a Jewish state by weight of such an influx.

Israel argues that the demand for a “right of return” for millions represents precisely such an effort to dramatically alter Israel’s 75 percent to 25 percent Jewish/non-Jewish demographic balance via an influx of millions of Palestinians — that is, to seek a Palestinian state in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, and to turn Israel into a second Palestinian state. Since there are estimated to be only a few tens of thousands of original Palestinian refugees still alive, Israel has charged that UNRWA, by extending refugee status to millions of descendants, perpetuates and inflates the issue. Hence its hostility to UNRWA, and hence Netanyahu’s publicly stated support for closing UNRWA, and channelling aid to needy Palestinians via other agencies and parties."
[Post edited 23 Feb 20:18]

We could extend that logic to argue that any Jewish people who settled in Israel post 1948 are also, shall we say, less entitled to live there than the original settlers and the original displaced Palestinians...

However to deprive Jews all over the World of a homeland to settle in when the antisemitism becomes too much for them would be heartless. A similar dimension to the problem that extends to Palestinians seems to be lost on Netanyahu.

Poll: What was in Wes Burns' imaginary cup of tea ?

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 21:00 - Feb 23 with 3785 viewsDJR

Sadly, Islamphobia seems out of control with peaceful protesters against the war in Gaza described as mobs, Suella Braverman writing that Islamists now control Britain and Lee Anderson saying Islamists have control of Sadiq Khan and have control of London.

Apart from travellers and gypsies, there can't be any other minority group in the country where prejudice has become so common, whilst at the same time being "acceptable" and very rarely condemned.

But as Jess Phillips put it today.

“Level of Islamophobia people are displaying currently is sickening. My constituents, family and friends are not Islamists, they do not hate any of these things. They are not a mob, they are just people. No one bullied me (any more than on any issue).”
[Post edited 23 Feb 21:14]
How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 15:09 - Feb 25 with 3667 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

This should have a thread of its own....

"Some injuries were simply not survivable, like the case of a 70-year-old grandmother shot in the head by a sniper."

"While we reviewed these clinical cases many of us realized the threat looming over the hospital and the doctors on the other end of our group chat. We knew the violence targeting hospitals and healthcare workers was shifting south toward Nasser hospital. But it was still shocking when, in early February, the chat shifted from clinical images of patients to requests that we pray for the staff’s safety.
The last series of messages in the group detailed an onslaught of patients injured on hospital grounds, including a video sent by the surgeon to our chat of an operating room nurse who was shot in the chest while working in the surgical wing of the hospital."

"A subsequent attack by an armed drone shot one of the doctors we had been supporting in the head. While this doctor should experience a good recovery, the bullet was centimeters from killing him."

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 17:16 - Feb 25 with 3598 viewsDJR

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 15:09 - Feb 25 by BanksterDebtSlave

This should have a thread of its own....

"Some injuries were simply not survivable, like the case of a 70-year-old grandmother shot in the head by a sniper."

"While we reviewed these clinical cases many of us realized the threat looming over the hospital and the doctors on the other end of our group chat. We knew the violence targeting hospitals and healthcare workers was shifting south toward Nasser hospital. But it was still shocking when, in early February, the chat shifted from clinical images of patients to requests that we pray for the staff’s safety.
The last series of messages in the group detailed an onslaught of patients injured on hospital grounds, including a video sent by the surgeon to our chat of an operating room nurse who was shot in the chest while working in the surgical wing of the hospital."

"A subsequent attack by an armed drone shot one of the doctors we had been supporting in the head. While this doctor should experience a good recovery, the bullet was centimeters from killing him."

MSF addressed the UN a couple of days ago where they called for an immediate ceasefire now. The address is worth reading in full, but below are some key passages (they also called out the attacks on 7 October), including one that showed MSF have added an acronym to their vocabulary: WCNSF—wounded child, no surviving family.

Just 48 hours ago, as a family sat around their kitchen table in a house sheltering MSF staff and their families in Khan Younis, a 120mm tank shell exploded through the walls, igniting a fire, and killing two people and severely burning six others. Five of the six injured are women and children.

We took every precaution to protect the 64 humanitarian staff and family members from such an attack by notifying warring parties of the location and clearly marking the building with an MSF flag.

This is all too familiar—Israeli forces have attacked our convoys, detained our staff, and bulldozed our vehicles, hospitals have been bombed and raided. Now, for a second time, one of our staff shelters has been hit. This pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence.

As humanitarians, we are appalled by violence against civilians. This death, destruction, and forced displacement are the result of military and political choices that blatantly disregard civilian lives. These choices could have been—and still can be—made very differently.

For 138 days, we have witnessed the unimaginable suffering of the people of Gaza.

For 138 days, we have done everything we can to enact a meaningful humanitarian response.

For 138 days, we have watched the systematic obliteration of a health system we have supported for decades. We have watched our patients and colleagues be killed and maimed.

This situation is the culmination of a war Israel is waging on the entire population of the Gaza Strip—

a war of collective punishment,

a war without rules,

a war at all costs.

The laws and the principles we collectively depend on to enable humanitarian assistance are now eroded to the point of becoming meaningless.

Madam President, the humanitarian response in Gaza today is an illusion—a convenient illusion that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws.

Calls for more humanitarian assistance have echoed across this Chamber. Yet in Gaza we have less and less each day—less space, less medicine, less food, less water, less safety.

We no longer speak of a humanitarian scale-up; we speak of how to survive even without the bare minimum.

Today in Gaza, efforts to provide assistance are haphazard, opportunistic, and entirely inadequate.

How can we deliver life-saving aid in an environment where the distinction between civilians and combatants is disregarded?

How can we sustain any type of response when medical workers are being targeted, attacked, and vilified for assisting the wounded?

Madam President, attacks on health care are attacks on humanity

There is no health system to speak of left in Gaza. Israel’s military has dismantled hospital after hospital. What remains is so little in the face of such carnage. It is preposterous.

The excuse given is that medical facilities have been used for military purposes Yet we have seen zero independently verified evidence of this.

Instead of adherence to international law, we see the systematic disabling of hospitals. This has left the entire medical system inoperable.

Since October 7th, we have been forced to evacuate nine different health facilities.

One week ago, Nasser Hospital was raided. Medical staff were forced to leave despite repeated assurances that they could stay and continue caring for patients.

These indiscriminate attacks, as well as the types of weapons and munitions used in densely populated areas, have killed tens of thousands and maimed thousands more.

Our patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations, crushed limbs, and severe burns. They need sophisticated care. They need long and intensive rehabilitation.

Medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or in the ashes of destroyed hospitals. There are not enough hospital beds, not enough medications, and not enough supplies. Surgeons have had no choice but to carry out amputations without anesthesia, on children.

Our surgeons are running out of basic gauze to stop their patients from bleeding out. They use it once, squeeze out the blood, wash it, sterilize it, and reuse it for the next patient.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has left pregnant women without medical care for months. Women in labor cannot reach functional delivery rooms. They are giving birth in plastic tents and public buildings.

Medical teams have added a new acronym to their vocabulary: WCNSF—wounded child, no surviving family.

Children who survive this war will not only bear the visible wounds of traumatic injuries but the invisible ones too—those of repeated displacement, constant fear, and witnessing family members literally dismembered before their eyes. These psychological injuries have led children as young as five to tell us they would prefer to die.

The dangers for medical staff are enormous. On a daily basis, we are making the choice to continue working, despite the increasing risks.

We are scared. Our teams are beyond exhausted.

Madame President, this must stop.

We are appalled by the willingness of the United States to use its powers as a permanent Council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evident of resolutions: one demanding an immediate and sustained ceasefire.

The people of Gaza need a ceasefire not when “practicable,” but now. They need a sustained ceasefire, not a “temporary period of calm." Anything short of this is gross negligence.

The protection of civilians in Gaza cannot be contingent on Resolutions from this Council which instrumentalize humanitarianism to blur political objectives.

The protection of civilians, of civilian infrastructure, of health workers and health facilities, falls first and foremost on the parties to the conflict. But it is also a collective responsibility—a responsibility which rests with this Council, and its individual members.

The consequences of casting international humanitarian law to the wind will reverberate well beyond Gaza. It will be an enduring burden on our collective conscience. This is not just political inaction—it has become political complicity.
[Post edited 25 Feb 17:20]
How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 17:23 - Feb 25 with 3573 viewsNthQldITFC

An 'interesting' comparison:

Ukraine, 24 months - 31 thousand troops killed
Ukraine, 19 months - 10 thousand civilians killed
Gaza 4 months - 29 thousand people killed

Projecting that a little, perhaps four times as many killed per unit time in Gaza in a supposedly clinical operation by a highly skilled and modern army and intelligence apparatus. Obviously totally different terrain and population density, so maybe the comparison has no real value, but I had no handle on the comparative numbers of deaths in the two conflicts until I had a look.

Poll: When you vacuum your bookshelves, do you?

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 17:39 - Feb 25 with 3552 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 17:16 - Feb 25 by DJR

MSF addressed the UN a couple of days ago where they called for an immediate ceasefire now. The address is worth reading in full, but below are some key passages (they also called out the attacks on 7 October), including one that showed MSF have added an acronym to their vocabulary: WCNSF—wounded child, no surviving family.

Just 48 hours ago, as a family sat around their kitchen table in a house sheltering MSF staff and their families in Khan Younis, a 120mm tank shell exploded through the walls, igniting a fire, and killing two people and severely burning six others. Five of the six injured are women and children.

We took every precaution to protect the 64 humanitarian staff and family members from such an attack by notifying warring parties of the location and clearly marking the building with an MSF flag.

This is all too familiar—Israeli forces have attacked our convoys, detained our staff, and bulldozed our vehicles, hospitals have been bombed and raided. Now, for a second time, one of our staff shelters has been hit. This pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence.

As humanitarians, we are appalled by violence against civilians. This death, destruction, and forced displacement are the result of military and political choices that blatantly disregard civilian lives. These choices could have been—and still can be—made very differently.

For 138 days, we have witnessed the unimaginable suffering of the people of Gaza.

For 138 days, we have done everything we can to enact a meaningful humanitarian response.

For 138 days, we have watched the systematic obliteration of a health system we have supported for decades. We have watched our patients and colleagues be killed and maimed.

This situation is the culmination of a war Israel is waging on the entire population of the Gaza Strip—

a war of collective punishment,

a war without rules,

a war at all costs.

The laws and the principles we collectively depend on to enable humanitarian assistance are now eroded to the point of becoming meaningless.

Madam President, the humanitarian response in Gaza today is an illusion—a convenient illusion that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws.

Calls for more humanitarian assistance have echoed across this Chamber. Yet in Gaza we have less and less each day—less space, less medicine, less food, less water, less safety.

We no longer speak of a humanitarian scale-up; we speak of how to survive even without the bare minimum.

Today in Gaza, efforts to provide assistance are haphazard, opportunistic, and entirely inadequate.

How can we deliver life-saving aid in an environment where the distinction between civilians and combatants is disregarded?

How can we sustain any type of response when medical workers are being targeted, attacked, and vilified for assisting the wounded?

Madam President, attacks on health care are attacks on humanity

There is no health system to speak of left in Gaza. Israel’s military has dismantled hospital after hospital. What remains is so little in the face of such carnage. It is preposterous.

The excuse given is that medical facilities have been used for military purposes Yet we have seen zero independently verified evidence of this.

Instead of adherence to international law, we see the systematic disabling of hospitals. This has left the entire medical system inoperable.

Since October 7th, we have been forced to evacuate nine different health facilities.

One week ago, Nasser Hospital was raided. Medical staff were forced to leave despite repeated assurances that they could stay and continue caring for patients.

These indiscriminate attacks, as well as the types of weapons and munitions used in densely populated areas, have killed tens of thousands and maimed thousands more.

Our patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations, crushed limbs, and severe burns. They need sophisticated care. They need long and intensive rehabilitation.

Medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or in the ashes of destroyed hospitals. There are not enough hospital beds, not enough medications, and not enough supplies. Surgeons have had no choice but to carry out amputations without anesthesia, on children.

Our surgeons are running out of basic gauze to stop their patients from bleeding out. They use it once, squeeze out the blood, wash it, sterilize it, and reuse it for the next patient.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has left pregnant women without medical care for months. Women in labor cannot reach functional delivery rooms. They are giving birth in plastic tents and public buildings.

Medical teams have added a new acronym to their vocabulary: WCNSF—wounded child, no surviving family.

Children who survive this war will not only bear the visible wounds of traumatic injuries but the invisible ones too—those of repeated displacement, constant fear, and witnessing family members literally dismembered before their eyes. These psychological injuries have led children as young as five to tell us they would prefer to die.

The dangers for medical staff are enormous. On a daily basis, we are making the choice to continue working, despite the increasing risks.

We are scared. Our teams are beyond exhausted.

Madame President, this must stop.

We are appalled by the willingness of the United States to use its powers as a permanent Council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evident of resolutions: one demanding an immediate and sustained ceasefire.

The people of Gaza need a ceasefire not when “practicable,” but now. They need a sustained ceasefire, not a “temporary period of calm." Anything short of this is gross negligence.

The protection of civilians in Gaza cannot be contingent on Resolutions from this Council which instrumentalize humanitarianism to blur political objectives.

The protection of civilians, of civilian infrastructure, of health workers and health facilities, falls first and foremost on the parties to the conflict. But it is also a collective responsibility—a responsibility which rests with this Council, and its individual members.

The consequences of casting international humanitarian law to the wind will reverberate well beyond Gaza. It will be an enduring burden on our collective conscience. This is not just political inaction—it has become political complicity.
[Post edited 25 Feb 17:20]

Ceasefire now.

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 18:55 - Feb 25 with 3506 viewsDJR

Looks like Western countries are complicit in the collective punishment.

And when it comes to Northern Gaza (where there are an estimated 300,000 people), this is shocking.

Last time food delivered to northern Gaza was Jan 23: UNRWA

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini says that since then, together with other UN agencies, “we have warned against looming famine, appealed for regular humanitarian access, and stated that famine can be averted if more food convoys are allowed into northern Gaza on a regular basis.”

Lazzarini says that the UN’s calls to send food aid have been denied and fallen on deaf ears.

“This is a man made disaster. The world committed to never let famine happen again. Famine can still be avoided, through genuine political will to grant access and protection to meaningful assistance. The days to come will once again test our common humanity and values,” he said.

EDIT: Israel, as occupying power, has its own obligations under the Geneva Convention on Civilians with respect to the meeting the needs of civilians in Gaza, and it clearly is not fulfilling those obligations.
[Post edited 25 Feb 19:15]
How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 08:23 - Feb 26 with 3371 viewsDJR

A couple of snippets concerning East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the first about an Israeli journalist who has received death threats after being accused of being anti-semitic.

Fakhri Abu Diab had no time to pack his belongings when the Israeli authorities arrived on his doorstep in occupied East Jerusalem on February 14. The police first evicted his family and then ordered a bulldozer to demolish his home.

“All of my memories were in that house,” said Abu Diab, 62, who was born and raised in that home. “I even had a picture of my mother holding me as a child. It was hanging on our wall, but now it’s gone.”

In the wake of Israel’s devastating war on Gaza, the Jerusalem municipality has stepped up home demolitions on the east side of the city, which Israel annexed from the occupied West Bank in 1967 and where most of Jerusalem’s 362,000 Palestinians live.
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How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 08:27 - Feb 26 with 3358 viewsDJR

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 17:39 - Feb 25 by BanksterDebtSlave

Ceasefire now.

Only the SNP motion reflects what all international/aid organisations are demanding.
How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 21:13 - Feb 27 with 3212 viewsDJR

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 08:23 - Feb 26 by DJR

A couple of snippets concerning East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the first about an Israeli journalist who has received death threats after being accused of being anti-semitic.

Fakhri Abu Diab had no time to pack his belongings when the Israeli authorities arrived on his doorstep in occupied East Jerusalem on February 14. The police first evicted his family and then ordered a bulldozer to demolish his home.

“All of my memories were in that house,” said Abu Diab, 62, who was born and raised in that home. “I even had a picture of my mother holding me as a child. It was hanging on our wall, but now it’s gone.”

In the wake of Israel’s devastating war on Gaza, the Jerusalem municipality has stepped up home demolitions on the east side of the city, which Israel annexed from the occupied West Bank in 1967 and where most of Jerusalem’s 362,000 Palestinians live.

This is a rather alarming follow-up Tweet.

[Post edited 27 Feb 21:19]
How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 21:33 - Feb 27 with 3178 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 21:13 - Feb 27 by DJR

This is a rather alarming follow-up Tweet.

[Post edited 27 Feb 21:19]

Right wing Israelis acting like fascists and hiding behind false claims of antisemitism. Who would have thought it!!

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

Is the answer 30,000 on 19:26 - Feb 29 with 2999 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

It would appear that Israel have clocked up the 30,000 mark in some style....

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

Is the answer 30,000 on 19:52 - Feb 29 with 2985 viewsDJR

Is the answer 30,000 on 19:26 - Feb 29 by BanksterDebtSlave

It would appear that Israel have clocked up the 30,000 mark in some style....

It must be a lot higher than that, given over 25,000 women and children have been killed. But don't take my word for this: the following from Reuters.

"The US defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, said earlier today that more than 25,000 women and children had been killed by Israel since 7 October 2023, adding that Israel can and should do more to protect civilians.

During a US congressional hearing (ostensibly about his health), Austin was asked how many Palestinian women and children had been killed by Israel, Reuters reports.

He said: It is over 25,000."

That's an absolutely astonishing figure, as it must be impossible to regard these as Hamas members. There will no doubt be thousand of innocent men killed as well, in addition to members of Hamas.

It certainly calls into question all of those on this thread who before Christmas were poo-pooing the figures coming out of Gaza.
Is the answer 30,000 on 20:12 - Feb 29 with 2958 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

Is the answer 30,000 on 19:52 - Feb 29 by DJR

It must be a lot higher than that, given over 25,000 women and children have been killed. But don't take my word for this: the following from Reuters.

"The US defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, said earlier today that more than 25,000 women and children had been killed by Israel since 7 October 2023, adding that Israel can and should do more to protect civilians.

During a US congressional hearing (ostensibly about his health), Austin was asked how many Palestinian women and children had been killed by Israel, Reuters reports.

He said: It is over 25,000."

That's an absolutely astonishing figure, as it must be impossible to regard these as Hamas members. There will no doubt be thousand of innocent men killed as well, in addition to members of Hamas.

It certainly calls into question all of those on this thread who before Christmas were poo-pooing the figures coming out of Gaza.

Jadallah al-Shafei, the head of the nurses’ department at al-Shifa Hospital, said that “the situation is beyond any words”, adding that “the hospital was flooded with dozens of dead bodies and hundreds of injured”.

“The majority of the victims suffered gunshots and shrapnel in the head and upper parts of their bodies. They were hit by direct artillery shelling, drone missiles and gun firing,” he told Al Jazeera.

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

Is the answer 30,000 on 21:54 - Feb 29 with 2908 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

Is the answer 30,000 on 20:12 - Feb 29 by BanksterDebtSlave

Jadallah al-Shafei, the head of the nurses’ department at al-Shifa Hospital, said that “the situation is beyond any words”, adding that “the hospital was flooded with dozens of dead bodies and hundreds of injured”.

“The majority of the victims suffered gunshots and shrapnel in the head and upper parts of their bodies. They were hit by direct artillery shelling, drone missiles and gun firing,” he told Al Jazeera.

Square this circle....

"It was not clear who had supplied the trucks of food. The UN agency for Palestine, Unrwa, has not sent an aid convoy to northern Gaza since 5 February, when its trucks were attacked by the Israeli navy even though the delivery had been approved for transit. Lerner said he did not know who sent the aid."

"Israel says that it does not impose limits on aid shipments into Gaza, and blames the logistical failures of UN agencies and humanitarian organisations for failing to process and distribute enough aid."

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

Is the answer 30,000 on 21:58 - Feb 29 with 2900 viewsNthsuffolkblue

Is the answer 30,000 on 21:54 - Feb 29 by BanksterDebtSlave

Square this circle....

"It was not clear who had supplied the trucks of food. The UN agency for Palestine, Unrwa, has not sent an aid convoy to northern Gaza since 5 February, when its trucks were attacked by the Israeli navy even though the delivery had been approved for transit. Lerner said he did not know who sent the aid."

"Israel says that it does not impose limits on aid shipments into Gaza, and blames the logistical failures of UN agencies and humanitarian organisations for failing to process and distribute enough aid."

Maybe the same reason that rescuers were unable to reach the injured and dying. If the roads are obliterated to rubble, Israel doesn't need to actively prevent aid being sent.

There are many other humanitarian aid agencies at work in all war zones. They probably risk their lives even more than the UN ones were.

Poll: Is Jeremy Clarkson misogynistic, racist or plain nasty?
Blog: [Blog] Ghostbusters

Is the answer 30,000 on 22:05 - Feb 29 with 2890 viewsDJR

Is the answer 30,000 on 21:58 - Feb 29 by Nthsuffolkblue

Maybe the same reason that rescuers were unable to reach the injured and dying. If the roads are obliterated to rubble, Israel doesn't need to actively prevent aid being sent.

There are many other humanitarian aid agencies at work in all war zones. They probably risk their lives even more than the UN ones were.

That's certainly one factor including the danger, but I've also read aid agencies saying that the IDF has been preventing aid reaching northern Gaza. The consequences are thus.

Interestingly, Haaretz has reported the following this evening.

"The cabinet approved extending the evacuation of northern residents by five months

Israel's cabinet approved extending the duration of the evacuation of northern residents from their homes until July 7."
[Post edited 29 Feb 22:16]
Is the answer 30,000 on 22:36 - Feb 29 with 2862 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

Is the answer 30,000 on 21:58 - Feb 29 by Nthsuffolkblue

Maybe the same reason that rescuers were unable to reach the injured and dying. If the roads are obliterated to rubble, Israel doesn't need to actively prevent aid being sent.

There are many other humanitarian aid agencies at work in all war zones. They probably risk their lives even more than the UN ones were.

To point is that the Israeli spokesperson is making out that they will not hinder the distribution of aid while conveniently forgetting that their navy has shelled UN aid deliveries causing them to stop.
I daresay this latest incident will give whoever was behind these deliveries cause to think again too!


"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

Is the answer 30,000 on 11:14 - Mar 1 with 2757 viewsleitrimblue

Is the answer 30,000 on 21:54 - Feb 29 by BanksterDebtSlave

Square this circle....

"It was not clear who had supplied the trucks of food. The UN agency for Palestine, Unrwa, has not sent an aid convoy to northern Gaza since 5 February, when its trucks were attacked by the Israeli navy even though the delivery had been approved for transit. Lerner said he did not know who sent the aid."

"Israel says that it does not impose limits on aid shipments into Gaza, and blames the logistical failures of UN agencies and humanitarian organisations for failing to process and distribute enough aid."

If I understand correctly the IDF were just standing close to some people who opened fire on and massacred over a hundred innocent starving people..

#Free Israel from the far right
Is the answer 30,000 on 15:49 - Mar 1 with 2697 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

Is the answer 30,000 on 11:14 - Mar 1 by leitrimblue

If I understand correctly the IDF were just standing close to some people who opened fire on and massacred over a hundred innocent starving people..

#Free Israel from the far right

....and also had nothing whatsoever to do with creating the conditions on the ground that have led to near famine and desperation.

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 14:47 - Mar 2 with 2562 viewsleitrimblue

Middle East crisis live: UK-owned cargo ship sinks in Red Sea days after Houthi attack; 10th child in Gaza hospital ‘dies from starvation’


#Free Isreal from the far right
[Post edited 2 Mar 14:50]
How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 14:56 - Mar 2 with 2541 viewsphillymark

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 17:39 - Feb 25 by BanksterDebtSlave

Ceasefire now.

What happens after a ceasefire?
Does Hamas keep the hostages?
If Hamas launches rockets into Israel, is that considered a breach of a ceasefire and Israel is allowed to restart operations?
Is Hamas allowed to rebuild tunnels?

Seriously, what happens after a ceasefire?
How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 14:57 - Mar 2 with 2538 viewsNthsuffolkblue

How many Palestinian lives is sufficient? on 14:47 - Mar 2 by leitrimblue

Middle East crisis live: UK-owned cargo ship sinks in Red Sea days after Houthi attack; 10th child in Gaza hospital ‘dies from starvation’


#Free Isreal from the far right
[Post edited 2 Mar 14:50]

A harrowing article about a football-mad father-of-two.

Man's inhumanity to man is difficult to comprehend.

Poll: Is Jeremy Clarkson misogynistic, racist or plain nasty?
Blog: [Blog] Ghostbusters

Is the answer 30,000 on 14:57 - Mar 2 with 2537 viewsphillymark

Is the answer 30,000 on 19:52 - Feb 29 by DJR

It must be a lot higher than that, given over 25,000 women and children have been killed. But don't take my word for this: the following from Reuters.

"The US defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, said earlier today that more than 25,000 women and children had been killed by Israel since 7 October 2023, adding that Israel can and should do more to protect civilians.

During a US congressional hearing (ostensibly about his health), Austin was asked how many Palestinian women and children had been killed by Israel, Reuters reports.

He said: It is over 25,000."

That's an absolutely astonishing figure, as it must be impossible to regard these as Hamas members. There will no doubt be thousand of innocent men killed as well, in addition to members of Hamas.

It certainly calls into question all of those on this thread who before Christmas were poo-pooing the figures coming out of Gaza.

Were all the Germans we killed in WW2 Nazis?
Is the answer 30,000 on 15:01 - Mar 2 with 2521 viewsleitrimblue

Is the answer 30,000 on 14:57 - Mar 2 by phillymark

Were all the Germans we killed in WW2 Nazis?

Wow, just wow..
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