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Yes, and as such returned to Spain before the war ended and so were not captured in tge sense others were, ie suttendered to the US and British soldiers at the end of the war.
Francos Spain was a Fascist state which supported Hitler, and was a refuge for Franch as well as German Nazis after the war. It was those who had made themselves almost stateless by joining forces with the country their own country was at war with. There was an enorous amount of settling of old scores at wars end. Much of which does not stand up to scrutinity now, or even then.
But the point here is if these were noble blokes fighting an oppressor it might be understiod, but the Siviet Union was not on the Spanish border, or anywhere near Spain. Spain under Franco was not really that different to the Soviet Union until Franco died in 1976.
How on earth did they deliude themselves that one repressive fascist system (Franco) was better than the other repressive system (Soviet Union).
Not a clue about history this thicko recently soke in paise of Spains WW2 Blue Division who fought on the Easter front. Supposedly to stop Bolshevism. Rather like fighting fire by setting your own house on fire.
Along with other similar retards from elsewher in Europe they were used by the Wehrmact as cannon fodder and died, often frozen to death in their tens of thousands. Many were returned when captured by the Allies to their own countries, and shot. As the French stated. Their treasonous acts deserved the death penalty alone, by the idea of them polluting our society again could not be tolerated. Even the rightwing Gaullists wanted rid of them.
Dismissed as 'useful idiots', they became a symbol of what can happen when you choose not to thing for yourself. Much as the rightwing loons who died of COVID because some crank told them that the evil government, the scientists, and the medical profession were all in some giant global consiracy to unject them with 'microchips' order to control them............ and stop them from thinking for themselves
Odd one this. He barely featured n the circuit before he came this 'star'. I did see him once, at a club in Soho called Less Miserable. At that time a lot of pubs had unused function rooms and so you could stick a backdrop up, a mike and a couple of angle poise lamp and call it a comedy club. Some of those places during the werk had more acts waiting their turn than audience.
However the central London ones were handy as you could double up. Play a proper club then wander over and pick up £20/30 to close the show. My recollection of Brand was thinking his was some novelty act involving a set of dancing teeth. It is only after some 'made it;' that you recall seeing them on, what was, the open mic cirtcuit or tryouts as it was known.
A place comics would congregate at after shows was upstairs at the Comedy Cafe, Old Street. His name came up and the comment was about him being a 'horse' addict. Which cam name you have an over excited libido. Chuck in fame and you have a deadly combination. I've known acts who have a 'toot' before a gig, and most enjoyed a ''puff' after - but 'H' was seen as a no no.
There is a story around his success, and one about a household name and charlie before a big gig. The latter I will not name lest some one gets 'nick' for it.
If there are any other names mentioned tonight then I suspect a TV chap might feature, and any revelations could lead to him being Hardup. Singing might be an option.
"Britain might have been at war for a year but it was largely a phoney war - and the army caved in at the first sight of the enemy, ran home and left all their equipment behind so a success was badly needed - hence never do much etc."
That is as innaccurate as it is insulting to those who were there.
British and French troops fought all the way back to Dunkirk. In fact it was the French First Army at Lille who, vastly unnumbered, allowed the allies to get away.
At the Battle of Arras British troops chased the Germans off the oark. Their Panzer 3s being no matcg for the Brirish Matildas. It was the failure of the French to use radios that saw the Germans survive. How did the Germans get through the Ardennes, when the French had calculated that it could not be done in less that 3 days. They had counted without Perotin, which saw the Geramns staying awake for 3 days as well as making suicidal crossings over the Meuse.
Thanks to the battering at Arras and the effects of using Perotin the GEman army was in no fit to continue in to pursue the Allies to Dunkirk. The sound reasioning that the Allies would not be effected by losing more troops, they were alaready beaten whereas the Germans neede there's for tghe following Barrle for France.
History is not served best by people repeating blatant misrepresentations (lies). Maybe an apology to those who lost their lives fighting a rear guard action for days on end, against troops of a country that had been preparing for war for years, whereas they were in an army starved of resources for years.
A more accurate account can be seen here -
We have to assume the German soldiers killed and captured, the German equipment destroyed was done by some other soldiers, and not those that supposedly " caved in at the first sight of the enemy, ran home "
That makes no sense. The motive for WW2 was oil. meaning getting control of Russian oilfields and those in Rumania. Which you describe as going off tangent.
Dear god !
Explaining WHY the allies invaded Normandy in 1944 is also going a bit off tangent, I suppose
The Battle of Britain pilots made the mistake of taking to the air. A big tactical mistake. That's why some got shot down. The Lancasteer bomber. Tactical mistake adding the word bomber. Without that it could have been used as a commercial airline. Flying holiday makers to resorts in Europe.
Oh and I suggest you do not use that name (Hazza) as some might think you are the same rightwing poster(s) who also uses that name. One rightie using different log ins.
It's hard to know where to begin with in this thinly veiled defence of a racist. Politics is not screwed but it si damaged when apologists like you try to defend odious types, like this woman.
It matters little whether the evidence comes from a paid researcher or not. Do Daily Mail journalists work for nothing ? In fact for the record you have NO idea whether the person was paid for this research. Most of their work is carried out by volunteers.
You may wish to dismiss a report by a well known charity as 'social media nonsense', others do not. Hence the report being in the Times.
The decisions taken by the London mayor are often subjective ie they are their thoughts on a subject. I doubt most will be unaware of why you seek to dismiss a report that outlines the views of this woman, when those views are attacks on a large section of London society. Or are we supposed to believe they will change if she beccame Mayor ?
I think the old saying 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck' ..................... and I don't mean just this odious woman.
The German economy needing oil. And that started way back in WW1 with the Germans trying to get control of the Middle East, hence the alliance with Turkey, and the Berlin-Baghdad railway.
The attacks in the west were merely a means to block any two front war, as in WW1.
Similarly in the Far East it was the US curtailing the growing Japanese economy by blocking theM from raw materials, most noticable oil, that led them to invading the countries that supplied those resources. The US even threatened war with Britain in 1927, over Britain blocking access to rubber.
A very basic analysis has -
"Despite being one of the most powerful industrial nations on earth, Germany had no oil reserves. Furthermore, it lacked an empire - like the British - that would give it access to oil overseas. In fact, in the 1930s oil production was dominated by a handful of countries—the United States, which accounted for 50% of global oil production, as well as the Soviet Union, Venezuela, Iran, Indonesia, and Romania. But in order to fuel its industrial economy and power its growing war machine, Germany would need oil reserves - as German oil production was negligible.
Two liars without any conviction ................ well, at the moment at least
Isuspect any moderate Tory is keeping his or her head down at the moment - knowing the next GE will be a tsunami of progressive votes, as well as thinking. What benefit is there in aligning yourself with the diehards ?
I doubt there will be any left after the election and there will be a mass cull as the moderates wrestle control from the nutters. Far better to give these cranks enough rope. Brexit economics are not spoken of since Truss gave the country a taste of what they about.
The human story behind the floods. Echos of a radio documentray I heard many years back, about the 1953 East coast floods. Personal recollections, one of a boy whose father smashed their way onto the roof to sit in the pitch black, freezing cold starddling the roof. Arms linked to his mother who was clinging to the chimney, with the water about 6 foot below. A long harrowing night.
It is the Tories (certain sections) alone who are using these people as a political football - so stop spouting rightie guff. Opposition parties can only respond to what the government is doing. Much as with the EU. It is the UK that left the Dublin Accord.
I am sure you know this but your wish/need to defelect and defend your betters gets the better of yo. and over rides factual argument.. Whereas others are not bright enough, or too lazy to check and swallow this rubbish, ''they are all as bad as each another".
It was your lot that caused this mess, and them alone.
"The current ruling party have been successfully democratically re-elected 3 times since 2010, evidently enacting the wishes of the electorate (well those that voted for them) on an increasingly hateful basis. "
Not strictly true as it omits the fact that the tOries, lied, lied ands lied again. With backing from a rightwing media in the hands of foreign owners.
The shy te I had heard from thses thickos would not seem out of place to the middle age mind. The EU buys all our goods and sells them to us. UK Judges are appointed by the EU. Sentencing is decided by the Human Rights thing (who they ?)
the countrt is reaping the whurkwind of having MPs and a governmenet who see public office as a means to help themselves, not a way to help others.
The trick is to tell stupid peopel (for that's what they are) they will some how benefit from what amounts to theft of public owned property, and money.
Can you blame them when they see a populace not only standing by twhile they thriw the brick through the jewellers window, but pass them the brick ands help them to make off with the 'sparklers'..
2Thye'll be back soon to give us our share" is the often heard bleat. Things have reached this level because these thieves know thickos will support the. Like a dog who goes back to hgis master, no matter how many times he is hit and how badly it is treated.
And as the GE looms near expecxt the lies to be cranked up. Fears that Lab, Lib, SNP, Greens will turn the UK into NK. Whereas it is 13 years of Tory mismanagement that has seen million of people on the breadline. millions homeless or living in substandard housing. dental care worse than it was in the '30s, over 7m waiting for hospital treatment, filthy streets, polluted rivers....
Nothing works now, is the frequently heard cry. But it does. Only not for you. Nor will it, until you get off your knees. Show a bit self respect and stop bleating out 'thems's our betters.
Them's our better orfs, more like - because you spineless toadies let them walk all over you.
Poor Rishi. Leaping about like an over excited 3rd former at the dispatch box today as he gleefully squeaked about being to pollute rivers, by overturning an EU regulation protecting them.
"Ministers’ plans to weaken river pollution rules are in tatters after they suffered two defeats in the House of Lords, and because....... the Tories introduced this part at a late stage in the passage of the levelling up and regeneration bill it will return not to the Commons, leaving the government with its policy in disarray."
Still nevermind the Prime Miniature " blocked plans to rebuild five hospitals riddled with crumbling concrete three years ago, prompting warnings of a “catastrophic” risk to patient safety"
Some may recall just a week or so agaon this dimitive incompetent was denying he did anything of the kind. ''Not me, guv"
Not so much levelling up, but levelling, totally. Destroying the countries infrastructure as well as it's environment. A message to redwallers, brexiters and other sundry thickos
You can't have been watching too closely. The move back into the EU started way back. In the UK with the ever increasing nunber of work permits, the deal over the Irish protocal, and the almost abandonment of import controls - pushed back 5 times now. UK has re-joined the Horizon ptogramme, meeting the costs of it as well.
And yesterday "a UK government spokeswoman insisted that No 10 remains “open to working with the EU to take forward negotiations on a UK-EU returns deal".
I;ve said all along it will be a slow incremental move back into the EU. Not some lunatic referendim. Howeve, what folk on this side will have to be aware of is it will not be in the hands of the UK. And as it gets ever closer smaller EU countries will see ths as a maena sto get a better deal for themselves, if only a one off project.
"business leaders........... with many wanting it to go further and faster in addressing the damage caused by Brexit " 10/9/23
This is where the momentum is coming from. A snowball gathering speed and size. After the next election the bigots and their supporters (wha's left of them) will be swept away.
I expect the poor thing posts as a number of other posters. Uses thus one to dfened his betters when naughty fun not only highlight the lies and the damage they do, but also poke fun at .
Refered to by stand ups as a 'hit and run'. Shouts out something then hides. Usually some social inadequate. The name tells you how he would like to be seen as. Probably called Trevor or Colin and still lives at home with his mum.
Uncomfortable facts for cap doffers are dismissed because of where they are printed. Should we therefore disbelieve Towns results if they are printed in the EDP ?
As someone who we have to believe has done more research perhaps the thought ius that we could be told of these facts that contradict the reports.
Nobody has claimed divergence automatically means standards have dopped. That is just you making up stuff, yet again. What has been reported and discussed is where standards in this particular area hav dropped.
And I doubt most have missed the ironuy of you bleating about opinionated article, which carries the facts when your nonsense is totally fact free - despite advising us to do our research.
So off you go, tell us all where the newspaer acrticle is factually inaccurate. A link to your source would be helpful. If onky to ass some smidgeomn of credibility
What criteria would you define a Scot for this vote ?
The same one for the football team, a grandparent is enough. Scots living abroad ?
It would then suggest that non Scots living in Scotland should not be allowed a vote.
Recent conversstions with two Scottish cousins would suggest it is a measure of wanting to be rid of inaction man and his incompetent failures, and a wish to to be part of the EU which Scots voted to remain in.
When asked, Independence seems to deliveron both those.
Actually once didtorted through the prism of Daily Telegraph rightie twaddle it is.
france and the UK have long been in 8th or 9th respectivekly. I'm sure at the some point it will be swapped again.
You will note it is the UK, not Britain as the paper claims.
You will alsi note that the UK lags behind Italy and it;s manufacturing is almnost three times lower than Germany. To include
" but with the growth of the service sectors, the denominator has multiplied many times over."
Sevices, are manufacturing ?
It oes not mention that France has a population 3m less than the UK, Italy with greater manufacturing output has 5.6m less population.
Pf course the ragbag of cap doffers and the deluded will not be expected to look beneath this vacuous claim, and will congratulate themselves that some how brexit was right.
My four year old bneice has grown more than I have in the past year. Should I now claim that she is taller than me ?
" A Defra spokesperson said: “Very strict regulation only permits the sale and use of pesticides where scientific assessment clearly shows they will not harm people or pose unacceptable risks to the environment."
"More widely, the Health and Safety Executive is developing a programme to review our pesticide approvals and can take action to review approval at any time if they identify serious concerns.”
So are we to assume the previous approvals need reviewing ?
Why ?
Unless the composition of these pesticides has changed they should still be safe. I understand there is a need for constant review, but this is not what is being talked of.
The thought is the UK will 'diverge' to a lower standard whereby these pesticides will then pass as 'safe'. Of course the fear has to be, not only of the long term damage to public health, the environment but of exports of UK foodstuffs. We know the EU will act to protect it's citizens. The mad cow disease and foot and mouth outbreaks demonstrated this.
This rancid government is playing fast and loose with our safety, for what ? To screw a bit more for the wealthy by cutting safety costs.
Still ,as the cap dioffers trell us 'master knows best' and master will share out these financiul gains ....... we just jave to wait. Fifty years was the thought of the stick insect.