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Scott Duncan - Football's Forgotten Man
Friday, 13th Oct 2023 14:39

Scott Duncan, the manager who masterminded Town’s entry into the Football League in 1938 and remained in charge until 1955, is a surprisingly little known figure despite a life in football which took him to Rangers, Celtic, Newcastle United and Manchester United as well as Portman Road - but veteran Scottish journalist Alex Mooney is seeking to address that.

“Some fans are on the pitch, they think it’s all over. It is now.” Kenneth Wolstenholme’s iconic commentary sent millions of England fans leaping from their chairs to celebrate.

In Scotland, the Auld Enemy’s World Cup triumph wasn’t met with the same delight. But there was one Scot north of the border who allowed himself a smile of quiet satisfaction as the cameras zoomed in on manager Alf Ramsey savouring the 1966 triumph.

He’d taken the England boss under his wing at Ipswich Town for three years to teach him the managerial ropes. By any measure, he’d succeeded.

However, there would be no boasting about his achievement. That wasn’t his style. He could have been at Wembley as Ramsey’s guest to congratulate his protege in person. Instead, a whisky with wife Mary in their Helensburgh home and a feeling of pride at a job well done would suffice.

After a lifetime in football as a player and manager at the highest level, he was virtually unknown in his homeland. More than four decades after his death, he still is.

Yet this unsung hero’s career is astonishing. He played for Rangers for six years, won the League Division One Championship and FA Cup with Newcastle, went into management with, among others, Manchester United for five years and Ipswich Town for 18 years.

At one point he was the highest-paid figure in British football. When he retired, the FA gave him a medal to honour his ‘long, distinguished service’ to the game.

His name is Scott Duncan. He was born in Dumbarton in 1888, one of seven siblings, who lived above his father’s butcher shop. He played for his school team then worked as a law clerk in the town’s sheriff office.

Scott Duncan

His promising legal career was short-lived as Dumbarton offered him professional terms when he turned 18. The skilful right-winger shone and two years later English champions Newcastle United, who dominated the game in that era, signed him.

He scored 12 times in 81 league games for the Magpies and won the First Division title in 1909 and the Charity Shield with the Geordie giants. Next season an FA Cup win earned him another medal.

In 1913, he got his dream move to boyhood heroes Rangers in a £750 transfer. He stayed at Ibrox during World War I, also serving as a signalling instructor in the Royal Field Artillery.

War-time regulations led to an extraordinary episode for the star. A rule allowed soldier players to turn out with one other side for two league games only in a season. In January, 1919, Duncan did just that - crossing the great divide to help Old Firm rivals Celtic.

In both matches the pacy winger played well and the Hoops won – against Third Lanark and Clydebank. After each game the Parkhead fans applauded him off the pitch. This prompted a pundit to gloat cheekily in the Glasgow Observer: “It was Scott’s wish to be inside a green and white jersey at least once or twice in a lifetime.”

As fate would have it, Celtic went on to win the league that season in the tightest of races by just one point - from Rangers.

In 1920 he moved to Cowdenbeath for two years then to Dumbarton before hanging up his boots at 35 to become manager of Hamilton.

He left the Accies after two seasons to boss Cowdenbeath and had seven excellent years at the club, performing near miracles to keep them in the Scottish top flight throughout. He also presided over the club’s record win which stands to this day – a 12-0 demolition of St Johnstone in the Scottish Cup in 1928.

His success attracted big guns from over the border and in 1932 Manchester United took this shrewd, intelligent operator to Old Trafford. Despite spending a lot of money on players, the Red Devils were almost relegated to the third tier in 1934. Duncan turned things around and United won the Second Division championship in 1936.

To strengthen his side for the top flight, he tried to buy a gifted young Scot from rivals Manchester City – his offer of £250 for the services of Matt Busby was turned down. Busby, of course, went on to achieve legendary status in the same managerial chair as the man who tried to buy him.

The clever Scot by now had a reputation for being a wily tactician and he was also a fine administrator with an eye for detail. In November, 1937, he was lured away from Old Trafford after Ipswich Town offered him a massive salary to take over at Portman Road.

Town supremo Ivan Cobbold was ambitious for the non-league club and the wealthy aristocrat made his new manager the highest-paid figure in British football.

Crucially, Duncan by now had many contacts throughout the game. This was important because the club wanted entry to the Football League and needed him to command the votes when it came to a final decision about whether they should replace Gillingham.

A case of the finest port was sent to his house to tempt him from Old Trafford. He was also offered a huge salary for the time of £2,000 per annum, with a bonus of £1,000 if the club’s bid was successful - and promises of further similar sums if he could take Ipswich to the top.

To put his income in context, in those days his wage was ten times more than star players got and it made him football’s top earner.

His guile and political skills succeeded in getting the Blues into the league in 1938. The defeat of Gillingham caused a sensation as, just a few weeks before, the Southern League clubs had recommended Gillingham for re-election and Town had come a poor third behind Walsall in the vote.

Under Duncan’s leadership, Ipswich campaigned hard, spending big on lobbying officials and producing an expensive glossy brochure about the club and town.

He’d more than earned his bonus and he kept the team in the professional leagues for 18 seasons and saw the Blues to the Division Three South title in 1953/54 before handing over the reins in 1955 to a rookie manager.

The club asked him to remain as secretary for another three years to ensure everything ran smoothly off the park and to mentor his successor - Alf Ramsey.

Duncan, now 70, was honoured with a testimonial match at the end of the 1958 season against Norwich City which Ipswich won 3-1. He is fondly remembered as one of the most important figures in the club’s history. And he was given a medal by the FA in honour of his ‘long, distinguished services’ to the beautiful game.

Always immaculately dressed, Duncan wasn’t a tracksuit manager but in those days that wasn’t unusual. The England footballing genius Stanley Matthews said of him: “He almost always wore a smart suit and a homburg hat. He could easily have been a bank manager.”

He was superstitious and an extremely rare seven-leaf clover was mounted on the wall of his office at Portman Road. It was given to him by an American serviceman. Interestingly, as a reciprocal gesture, his wife Mary gave American golfer Sam Snead a four-leaf clover just before he played the Open at St Andrews in 1946 - which he went on to win.

The Ipswich boss also had a reputation for being canny with money and was reluctant to involve the club in the growing fashion for spending big in the transfer market. He said: “In these days of fantastic transfer fees, fancy figures are not necessarily the hallmark of a good player.”

The sums he was talking about seem low in these days of multi-million-pound players but he was wise in pointing out the rapid rise in the level of transfer fees at that time.

He would study every claim for expenses in depth and treated Town money as though it were his own. There is a story that shows how frugal he was. The Ipswich squad were having breakfast in the Great Eastern Hotel at Liverpool Street Station and he dropped some loose change under the table. He was seen on his hands and knees, anxious to account for every penny.

Despite his conservative appearance and manner, Duncan was quite a character. Town director John Cobbold caught him watering down whisky in the referee’s room. Match officials weren’t paid at that time, they just received expenses and a few drinks. When Cobbold protested at the sacrilegious act being committed, Duncan said: “Don’t worry about it. It’s only for the bloody ref.”

After retiring, he returned to live in Scotland with Mary at Loch Drive, Helensburgh, in a detached house looking on to the Firth of Clyde. He was a member of the local Rotary Club but generally kept himself to himself and not many people in the seaside town would have known the star they had in their midst.

He stayed away from football in his retirement years. There is no record of his having any involvement in the game during these years, even as a spectator. Perhaps, after a lifetime in professional football, he’d had enough.

He had no children but he has a great, great nephew who was called after him. Scott Duncan, from Cardross, said: “Although we didn't know much about him, my dad told me he’d been a top footballer and manager and that's who I was named after. He spent most of his career down south at Ipswich so would have lost contact with most of the family. However, his name will live on as I have also named my son after him.

“He appears to have been a really bright guy as his career was so successful and we’re all proud to have had such a star in the family. It's sad that not many people know about his career but he wasn’t the type to boast about his achievements.”

Dumbarton barber John McCann cut Duncan’s hair in the Vale of Leven Hospital, Alexandria. Sadly, the 87-year-old was gravely ill and passed away a few months later.

Even in the poorest of health, he still made an impression. John said: “As he shuffled over for his haircut you could see he was quite poorly. Very much an old school gentleman, he was well spoken.

“When I later found out about his football career, I couldn’t believe it as there was no mention of the game when we talked. He must have been a formidable figure - there was an air of authority about him even though he was extremely weak. But he was also polite and friendly. A lovely man.”

Adam Scott Mathieson Duncan’s funeral service at Cardross on October 5, 1976, with wife Mary being his only family survivor, was a modest affair as few people knew about his incredible career.

There is nothing in the cemetery to record his death other than a line in a dusty old ledger that notes his ashes were scattered in the Garden of Remembrance.

The passing of this unassuming man who had spent more than 50 years in the sport at such a high level merited only two short sentences in Glasgow’s Evening Times.

Football had lost one of its great figures. It just didn’t know it.

Photos: Matchday Images/ITFC

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MK1 added 14:54 - Oct 13
Fantastic read. Must admit to never have heard his name before, but will be sure to do research on him now. Sounds a remarkable football man. Thanks Phil/Gav.

d77sgw added 15:00 - Oct 13
Fascinating article. I understood he was a key figure in our history but didn’t quite appreciate quite how much. To think there were days we could blow Man Utd away financially!…maybe he becomes the third statue outside PR - with McKenna to take the fourth in a few years time…

Churchman added 15:10 - Oct 13
Thank you for this. An interesting insight.

Bluespeed225 added 15:23 - Oct 13
A great read. I was aware of his influence here, but not of his previous playing career. An real old school coup to get him, and with his contacts and the Cobbolds Old Etonian links we were forced our way in. The rest is history!

Cabinboy added 15:55 - Oct 13
What a great read for any Town supporter, one of the most important figures in the clubs history . In these days of automatic promotion it's interesting to see how difficult it was to be admitted into the Football league and how far sighted and ambitious for the town the Cobbolds were .
My stepson , a Town fan , lives in Cardross , I'll get him to look out for the Scott Duncans !

Help added 16:00 - Oct 13
Brilliant read. Thank you.

Somersettractor added 16:23 - Oct 13
Scott Duncan was ITFC manager when I started to support the Town in !953. I would attend all the home games with my cousin, uncle, and my Dad. I remember Mr Duncan appearing occasionally at the players' entrance to the pitch on the corner of Churchmans (now Ramsey) Stand and the West Stand, where it is today. He was, as your article suggests, a dapper but slight and undemonstrative figure. Always seen with a pipe in his mouth. His 'trainer', as I remember, was Jimmy Forsyth, the man with the bucket of cold water and a magic sponge, and he was much more visible. He continued in this role under Sir Alf. I was unaware of Duncan's role in coaching Ramsey but as the latter was a novice and Duncan so experienced that makes a lot of sense. Town's promotion to Div 2 in 1954 was a highlight and unexpected but the following season we failed to consolidate and finished badly. That was the beginning of the end for Scott Duncan's reign but he had achieved what he was employed to do, establishing Town as a professional league club. It should also be remembered that Duncan began to assemble the team that Ramsey took over and led to championships in leagues 3,2 and 1. The core of that side was beginning to take shape under Duncan. Finally there is another dimension to Duncan's appointment which is the parallel with today's successful manager, the brilliant K McKenna, also appointed from Man U, by an ambitious set of owners. We can only hope our ultimate success also matches those based on Scott Duncan's legacy.

Maltster added 16:26 - Oct 13
I remember him well ( watched my first game at Prtman Road in 1947 and can still name the team ) He was always dressed in a suit and tie even when taking the team training ( supporters were allowed into the ground during the week ) My only critisism was when the board took on a your assistant mamager George ? Smith, Scott Duncan didn't like his ideas and sacked him.
I seem to remember that he worked at Churchmans factory ( behind the Alf Ramsey stand ) during WW2

Suffolkboy added 16:52 - Oct 13
A superb recollection and story of ITFC determining how and with whom to gain entry into the Professional ranks . Revealing ,and important too , in that it emphasises the great good fortune we had in having the Cobbolds as owners with flair ,ambition and generous aspiration backed by personal fortune and integral charm !
S D helped enormously to lay secure foundations from which we’ve been beneficiaries .
Our current owners, board and Management team bring with them much of their pre- decessors and likewise appear to epitomise the need for honesty, integrity and progressive man management !

terryf added 17:24 - Oct 13
A fantastic read and just goes to show how much you don't know about some of the past characters that made Ipswich Town. I've supported Ipswich since 1961 and although I knew Scott Duncan had been our Manager I was not aware of his longevity and illustrious playing career.
Many thanks to Alex Mooney for enlightening us all.

SpiritOfJohn added 17:26 - Oct 13
Not forgotten by everyone. I added a comment here before we appointed Super Kieran McKenna

Manchester United First-Team Coach Set to Be Town Number Two 16th Dec 2021 17:45
Manchester United first-team coach Martyn Pert is set to join prospective new Blues boss Kieran McKenna at Portman Road. 26

By the way Sir Alf was very much his own man and was more of a 'tracksuit manager' than his predecessor. Remember Alf had only just finished playing for Spurs when he joined Town. No doubt Scott Duncan was an invaluable help with the administration side of things when he stayed on as club secretary.

parhamblue added 18:22 - Oct 13
A very good post which adds a lot to our appreciation of Ipswich and the mman who did so much to mould us. Like so many of the stories the case of vintage port has different versions. I had always understood it went to Man Utd's chairman as Capt. Ivan's early version of compensation, and that the contract he pushed across a Manchester restaurant table was enough for SD to sign. I even heard that the two drove straight to Suffolk and Capt. Ivan sent two telegrams from Lt. Glemham post office the follwoinng morning. One to his wine merchant and the other to Utd's chairman which read: 'Got your manager but there's a case of vintage port on its way to you.' Now what days were those?

norfsufblue added 19:28 - Oct 13
I love this club!.... there's not another like it... and I agree, time to honour the man that took us into the football league... what about a statue featuring him and the Cobbolds? Think ot it would be superb!

GrasmereBlue added 19:39 - Oct 13
I knew some of this but OMG this is an amazing article and insight to Scott Duncan and the Cobbalds. I think we need another statue

VanDusen added 11:32 - Oct 14
What a super article. Really interesting.

When's the John Duncan one coming?

alexmooney added 18:44 - Oct 15
Thank you all for reading this and your kind comments. I only came upon Scott via an overheard conversation in a pub about a star who played for Celtic WHILE being signed to Rangers. Thinking this was nonsense, I checked it out, found it wasn’t, then slowly unravelled his incredible career.

I couldn’t believe so few people knew about him.

Please share the story and tell all Ipswich fans about Scott. He deserves to be recognised as a major figure in the club’s history.

Thank you once again - and particularly to Phil and TWTD for helping to spread the word.

And I’ll be rooting for Town to be back in the top flight where they belong…


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