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Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. 19:58 - Feb 22 with 7757 viewsMattinLondon
[Post edited 22 Feb 20:02]
Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:07 - Feb 23 with 1498 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 07:46 - Feb 23 by DJR

Not to be outdone on the delusional front, but with a heavy dose of Islamophobia thrown in.
[Post edited 23 Feb 7:54]

The problem here is that the Right are tapping into the reality that things aren't working for the average person/family and getting traction as the agents of change and it is working. (See mainstream Brexit narratives). It matters not that the aim of the right is to fleece them all the more in a deregulated, survival of the fittest world.

Meanwhile the political center and supposed left are left parroting "yes, but the markets" to anybody or any movement proposing fundamental change/wealth redistribution from a more radical Left perspective.

We're screwed.

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:19 - Feb 23 with 1458 viewsHerbivore

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:07 - Feb 23 by BanksterDebtSlave

The problem here is that the Right are tapping into the reality that things aren't working for the average person/family and getting traction as the agents of change and it is working. (See mainstream Brexit narratives). It matters not that the aim of the right is to fleece them all the more in a deregulated, survival of the fittest world.

Meanwhile the political center and supposed left are left parroting "yes, but the markets" to anybody or any movement proposing fundamental change/wealth redistribution from a more radical Left perspective.

We're screwed.

I'm not sure they are getting traction. The Tories are despised and are going to get destroyed at the next election. The thing they've done most successfully is to move the centre rightwards but their more extreme views still only appeal to a relatively small proportion of the country.

Poll: Latest TWTD opinion poll - who are you voting for?
Blog: Where Did It All Go Wrong for Paul Hurst?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:33 - Feb 23 with 1421 viewsBanksterDebtSlave

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:19 - Feb 23 by Herbivore

I'm not sure they are getting traction. The Tories are despised and are going to get destroyed at the next election. The thing they've done most successfully is to move the centre rightwards but their more extreme views still only appeal to a relatively small proportion of the country.

See Trump, Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands, Scandinavia...etc....everywhere as the middle class shrinks and the poor get poorer it is the right that is taking control of the narrative.

"They break our legs and tell us to be grateful when they offer us crutches."
Poll: If he goes will he still be Super?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:39 - Feb 23 with 1405 viewsHerbivore

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:33 - Feb 23 by BanksterDebtSlave

See Trump, Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands, Scandinavia...etc....everywhere as the middle class shrinks and the poor get poorer it is the right that is taking control of the narrative.

It's the right that owns most of the media. This is nothing new.

Poll: Latest TWTD opinion poll - who are you voting for?
Blog: Where Did It All Go Wrong for Paul Hurst?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:45 - Feb 23 with 1384 viewsdavblue

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 07:58 - Feb 23 by MattinLondon

Will this book be found in the Comedy, Horror or the Bat S**t crazy section of my local Waterstones?

Probably science fiction, mad robot lady takes over as PM for 40 odd days and trashes economy. Then tries to tell the world how to save itself financially.
Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:51 - Feb 23 with 1342 viewsStokieBlue

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 21:03 - Feb 22 by Churchman

She was regarded as deeply stupid long before the cabal of idiots made her tory leader. A work chum of mine worked for her while she was MoJ Minister. She made Chris Grayling (DfT) look like a dangerous intellectual - pretty amazing given most amoeba have more going for them than him.

If the Guardian article is true, just about every single utterance of hers is nonsense. The dribblings of a mad person. If she thinks it’s sane to write policy and dreams on a fag packet and whistle it through is going to be greeted by anything but contempt from markets/anyone with a brain cell across the world then she’s more than stupid. She’s dangerous. She and her idiot Chancellor cost you, me everyone in this country financially and the best she can do is cry betrayal?

This shower deserve to be thrown out for this alone before all the lives lost due to them (Covid) and the deliberate destruction of our country, scandals, Post Office, Brexit disaster, austerity for political reasons etc etc.
[Post edited 22 Feb 23:36]

It was obvious that she wasn't the smartest when she was destroyed in a press conference by Lavrov. It was embarrassing how easy he lead her and how lacking her knowledge was.

Since then things have only got worse. It exposes a fundamental issue with politics in that most capable and sensible people don't want to be anywhere near it.

I'm sure her book will sell well within the demographic to which it's aimed.


Avatar - M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy - Taken on 29th April 2024

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:53 - Feb 23 with 1332 viewsChurchman

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 23:40 - Feb 22 by BasingstokeBlue

I still haven't found out which of the 50 is the "Deep state".

You won’t. It’s a figment of her dangerous paranoia. It’s hard to believe anyone so deeply stupid can be so arrogant.

Perhaps she’d like to pay me back the money her wacko policies cost me by crashing the economy from her no doubt well funded media mumblings.

Most countries have ‘quangos’ or non-governmental bodies. They are needed. Here’s a link to the list. They all perform a function and I doubt any sit around in Costa’s plotting the downfall of bonehead Truss and the swivel eyed loons.

Having worked for a government department and cross government bodies, one thing never discussed was politics. I had no idea of colleagues views. We were too busy doing what we did and close enough to the vomit bowl of politicians to talk about bringing down the govt with a gunpowder plot.

If for example you got rid of the Forestry Commission, what happens then to the UKs much diminished woodlands? Perhaps rich tory land owners will look after them and all will be well for the bluebells. Yeah, right.

If you absorb these bodies into departments, the departments become too unwieldy and you wind up with the mess that is DEFRA and Home Office. The work still has to be done somewhere unless you deregulate everything and embrace the Tory nirvana of a free for all - a bit like we had in the 18th and 19th centuries. Which benefited the rich and the new rich only ….aaah I seeee.
[Post edited 23 Feb 9:29]
Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:26 - Feb 23 with 1283 viewsGuthrum

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:07 - Feb 23 by BanksterDebtSlave

The problem here is that the Right are tapping into the reality that things aren't working for the average person/family and getting traction as the agents of change and it is working. (See mainstream Brexit narratives). It matters not that the aim of the right is to fleece them all the more in a deregulated, survival of the fittest world.

Meanwhile the political center and supposed left are left parroting "yes, but the markets" to anybody or any movement proposing fundamental change/wealth redistribution from a more radical Left perspective.

We're screwed.

The populists get a free pass as they have no qualms about making promises they haven't any intention of keeping, even if they realistically could (fleecing people and getting away without paying is, after all, the modus operandi of their backers).

Modern education policy, media and entertainment has produced a generation without the comprehension skills and attention span to take on board economic and social counter arguments*. They just know they've been promised the nice things they feel they deserve (after 40 years of "greed is good") and the other lot are suggesting they should pay for other people to have it too.

* Compare and contrast with the workers educational movements of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Good Lord! Whatever is it?
Poll: McCarthy: A More Nuanced Poll
Blog: [Blog] For Those Panicking About the Lack of Transfer Activity

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Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:32 - Feb 23 with 1267 viewsDanTheMan

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:26 - Feb 23 by Guthrum

The populists get a free pass as they have no qualms about making promises they haven't any intention of keeping, even if they realistically could (fleecing people and getting away without paying is, after all, the modus operandi of their backers).

Modern education policy, media and entertainment has produced a generation without the comprehension skills and attention span to take on board economic and social counter arguments*. They just know they've been promised the nice things they feel they deserve (after 40 years of "greed is good") and the other lot are suggesting they should pay for other people to have it too.

* Compare and contrast with the workers educational movements of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Is it modern education policy? That would suggest it was the younger generations voting for this sort of thing which doesn't seem to be the case, at least in the UK.

Not sure if you can view but...
[Post edited 23 Feb 9:34]

Poll: FM Parallel Game Week 1 (Fulham) - Available Team

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:39 - Feb 23 with 1248 viewsStokieBlue

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:32 - Feb 23 by DanTheMan

Is it modern education policy? That would suggest it was the younger generations voting for this sort of thing which doesn't seem to be the case, at least in the UK.

Not sure if you can view but...
[Post edited 23 Feb 9:34]

There is clearly a huge issue with the populaces ability to critically appraise information and thus dressed up lies are often peddled and accepted as truths.

However I don't think this is an age specific thing, it seems to cross all demographics and actually might be worse for the older generations as they aren't used to being bombarded with information from sources that try to make themselves look legitimate.

it probably also re-enforces beliefs that are somewhat hidden. It's easier to make someone believe a falsehood if they already (perhaps subconsciously) leaning that way.


Avatar - M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy - Taken on 29th April 2024

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:40 - Feb 23 with 1245 viewsGuthrum

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:32 - Feb 23 by DanTheMan

Is it modern education policy? That would suggest it was the younger generations voting for this sort of thing which doesn't seem to be the case, at least in the UK.

Not sure if you can view but...
[Post edited 23 Feb 9:34]

By "modern", I'm going back decades. Covers the middle aged, too.

The introduction of school league tables ("improves choice"), leading to disparities in resources, exacerbation of problem areas and the fact they've become exam passing machines where some are even prepared to exclude pupils who might not get good enough results. Rather than places to give a well-rounded education, teaching people to think. That, for me, is one of the greatest evils. Along with the mindless administrative workload.

Good Lord! Whatever is it?
Poll: McCarthy: A More Nuanced Poll
Blog: [Blog] For Those Panicking About the Lack of Transfer Activity

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:45 - Feb 23 with 1211 viewsGuthrum

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:39 - Feb 23 by StokieBlue

There is clearly a huge issue with the populaces ability to critically appraise information and thus dressed up lies are often peddled and accepted as truths.

However I don't think this is an age specific thing, it seems to cross all demographics and actually might be worse for the older generations as they aren't used to being bombarded with information from sources that try to make themselves look legitimate.

it probably also re-enforces beliefs that are somewhat hidden. It's easier to make someone believe a falsehood if they already (perhaps subconsciously) leaning that way.


Indeed. Which was why I included media and entertainment.

Also ideas which have been deliberately embedded over a considerable period: "The sick/unemployed are not unfortunate, they are lazy"; "All immigration is bad"; "I can have a nice country without paying taxes (and neither should rich people/companies have to, they create jobs)" and so on.

Good Lord! Whatever is it?
Poll: McCarthy: A More Nuanced Poll
Blog: [Blog] For Those Panicking About the Lack of Transfer Activity

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:50 - Feb 23 with 1187 viewsGuthrum

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:39 - Feb 23 by Herbivore

It's the right that owns most of the media. This is nothing new.

Tho historically there was also a plethora of widely-read leftwing newspapers. Most famously, of course, the Manchester Guardian.

As costs have risen, running a newspaper has become a big business and therefore the preserve of investors, most of which are right-leaning.

Good Lord! Whatever is it?
Poll: McCarthy: A More Nuanced Poll
Blog: [Blog] For Those Panicking About the Lack of Transfer Activity

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:51 - Feb 23 with 1179 viewsHerbivore

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:40 - Feb 23 by Guthrum

By "modern", I'm going back decades. Covers the middle aged, too.

The introduction of school league tables ("improves choice"), leading to disparities in resources, exacerbation of problem areas and the fact they've become exam passing machines where some are even prepared to exclude pupils who might not get good enough results. Rather than places to give a well-rounded education, teaching people to think. That, for me, is one of the greatest evils. Along with the mindless administrative workload.

I'd say pretty much everyone alive today isn't very politically aware or great at appraising information. My parents' generation and older still are pretty hopeless at working out whether sources are credible or not and they tend to still believe that some of the mainstream press is reporting actual news rather than the pseudo-propaganda that it's actually producing. Some of that is down to struggling to keep up with advances in technology and how many sources are out there now, but as a country we are hopelessly ignorant in many ways.

Poll: Latest TWTD opinion poll - who are you voting for?
Blog: Where Did It All Go Wrong for Paul Hurst?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:51 - Feb 23 with 1178 viewsGuthrum

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 07:44 - Feb 23 by Herbivore

I don't think she knows what globalism, socialism, or liberalism actually are. She was literally the head of the establishment and her backers are all part of the establishment. Fooking bonkers.

She doesn't care. These are meaningless trigger words to upset people who have been taught they are a Bad Thing.

Good Lord! Whatever is it?
Poll: McCarthy: A More Nuanced Poll
Blog: [Blog] For Those Panicking About the Lack of Transfer Activity

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:05 - Feb 23 with 1139 viewssoupytwist

As as I saw someone say on Twitter earlier, she's basically admitting that she's been outwitted by Terri, Olly and the rest of the gang from The Thick of It.
Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:07 - Feb 23 with 1128 viewsDJR

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:40 - Feb 23 by Guthrum

By "modern", I'm going back decades. Covers the middle aged, too.

The introduction of school league tables ("improves choice"), leading to disparities in resources, exacerbation of problem areas and the fact they've become exam passing machines where some are even prepared to exclude pupils who might not get good enough results. Rather than places to give a well-rounded education, teaching people to think. That, for me, is one of the greatest evils. Along with the mindless administrative workload.

Chomsky is good on this.

"There have been many measures taken to try to turn the educational system towards more control, more indoctrination, more vocational training, imposing a debt, which traps students and young people into a life of conformity… That’s the exact opposite of [what] traditionally comes out of The Enlightenment. And there’s a constant struggle between those. In the colleges, in the schools, do you train for passing tests, or do you train for creative inquiry?"

According to Chomsky there is an instrumental approach to education. It is characterized as mindless, meaningless drills and exercise given "in preparation for multiple choice exams". This is evident through the state mandated curriculum where standardized tests are necessary to measure student growth and educational success. Chomsky argues that "the value of education should be placed on students' critical thinking skills and the process of gaining useful and applicable knowledge". However Chomsky's view of the factory model of education is that students are mandated to adhere to state written curricula where standardized tests are necessary. Students are inadvertently pushed to learn through memorization of facts, rather than through critical thinking.

Chomsky suggests that society simply reduces education to the requirement of the market. Students are trained to be compliant workers. The education process is reduced to knowledgeable educators who transfer information to those who don't know rather than to help students formulate higher level thinking skills on their own. In an interview with Donaldo Macedo, Chomsky describes education as "a deep level of indoctrination that takes place in our schools". Teachers are referred to as workers who merely carry out a task they were hired to do. Schools indoctrinate and impose obedience and are used as a system of control and coercion. Chomsky explains that an educated child by society's definition "is one who is conditioned to obey power and structure".

Chomsky complains that children are not taught to challenge and think independently, yet they are taught to repeat, follow orders and obey. Education is described as a period of regimentation and control, with a system of false beliefs.
Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:07 - Feb 23 with 1119 viewsGuthrum

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 09:51 - Feb 23 by Herbivore

I'd say pretty much everyone alive today isn't very politically aware or great at appraising information. My parents' generation and older still are pretty hopeless at working out whether sources are credible or not and they tend to still believe that some of the mainstream press is reporting actual news rather than the pseudo-propaganda that it's actually producing. Some of that is down to struggling to keep up with advances in technology and how many sources are out there now, but as a country we are hopelessly ignorant in many ways.

Older people grew up in an environment where virtually everything consumed apart from public speaking had some sort of editorial input. Somebody other than the author was making a decision on the veracity of the piece and whether it should be published.

With the internet, all of that is gone. A vast mass of information, most of it self-published. Any loon can write up their ideas and get them out there, with little or no fact checking. Even reputable newspapers can no longer afford good editorial oversight in the rush to keep up and lower costs.

So those trained to see the written word as something fairly reliable are out in a Sargasso Sea of information, with no pointers as to its truth.

Good Lord! Whatever is it?
Poll: McCarthy: A More Nuanced Poll
Blog: [Blog] For Those Panicking About the Lack of Transfer Activity

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:19 - Feb 23 with 1071 viewsEwan_Oozami

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:07 - Feb 23 by Guthrum

Older people grew up in an environment where virtually everything consumed apart from public speaking had some sort of editorial input. Somebody other than the author was making a decision on the veracity of the piece and whether it should be published.

With the internet, all of that is gone. A vast mass of information, most of it self-published. Any loon can write up their ideas and get them out there, with little or no fact checking. Even reputable newspapers can no longer afford good editorial oversight in the rush to keep up and lower costs.

So those trained to see the written word as something fairly reliable are out in a Sargasso Sea of information, with no pointers as to its truth.

Indeed, so nowadays great effort is required to digest all the additional background information needed to even begin to determine whether anything in any media is reliable information or not. And most people people don't have the time or inclination to put in that effort..

You are the obsolete SRN4 to my Fairey Rotodyne....
Poll: What else could go on top of the cake apart from icing and a cherry?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:30 - Feb 23 with 1048 viewsblueasfook

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 07:58 - Feb 23 by Herbivore

"You can't say anything now" she says, whilst literally espousing extremist views in a national newspaper. These charlatans have spent 14 years destroying the country, enriching their mates, and blaming the poor, the public sector, and minorities for all of the country's ills. They should all be locked up for treason.

Treason to me, would be supporting terrorist organisations and calling them "friends".

Hunk trapped in a slob's body.
Poll: How do you think season will end for us?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:36 - Feb 23 with 1029 viewsEwan_Oozami

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:30 - Feb 23 by blueasfook

Treason to me, would be supporting terrorist organisations and calling them "friends".

Other examples are available...

You are the obsolete SRN4 to my Fairey Rotodyne....
Poll: What else could go on top of the cake apart from icing and a cherry?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:37 - Feb 23 with 1035 viewsStokieBlue

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:30 - Feb 23 by blueasfook

Treason to me, would be supporting terrorist organisations and calling them "friends".

Out of interest, is there some kind of sweepstake that a few of you run where whomever mentions a Corbyn reference gets the pot?

It's the second time in around 12 hours that he's been shoehorned into a thread where there was really no need.


Avatar - M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy - Taken on 29th April 2024

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:41 - Feb 23 with 1004 viewsgiant_stow

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 08:19 - Feb 23 by Herbivore

I'm not sure they are getting traction. The Tories are despised and are going to get destroyed at the next election. The thing they've done most successfully is to move the centre rightwards but their more extreme views still only appeal to a relatively small proportion of the country.

Not sure I agree about them successfully moving the centre rightwards. Labour are currently behaving like what you say is true, but I think thats largely down to the Corbyn failure and fear of a repeat (remembering that after the last GE hammering, all the talk was that it would take multiple election cycles to recover). They can't be seen to be similar to Corbyn's labour at all right now

Once in power (hopefully - not to jinx it), Labour sets the agenda and also gets to try to appeal to the the millions which Bankster mentions above.

Having said all that, I accept I could be chatting over-hopeful poo poo.

Has anyone ever looked at their own postings for last day or so? Oh my... so sorry. Was Ullaa
Poll: A clasmate tells your son their going to beat him up in the playground after sch

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:46 - Feb 23 with 980 viewspositivity

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:30 - Feb 23 by blueasfook

Treason to me, would be supporting terrorist organisations and calling them "friends".

or taking money from russia?

Poll: do you do judo and/or do you do voodoo?

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:46 - Feb 23 with 984 viewsblueasfook

Apparently it was all a conspiracy against her. on 10:37 - Feb 23 by StokieBlue

Out of interest, is there some kind of sweepstake that a few of you run where whomever mentions a Corbyn reference gets the pot?

It's the second time in around 12 hours that he's been shoehorned into a thread where there was really no need.


If Labour had decent leadership in 2019, we wouldn't have a tory stranglehold on the country. Corbyn is responsible for the mess we are in by being crap.

Hunk trapped in a slob's body.
Poll: How do you think season will end for us?

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