A story from pre-season (a longer read to occupy the nerves) by
lborodan 28 Apr 2023 22:12Chatting coffee with Lee Evans, watching Fridge take an ice bath, photos with the players and exchanging numbers with Chappers. How did it happen to a 37-year old Ipswich fan living in Loughborough?
I’m a long term reader of TWTD but this is my first post in probably 20 years. As we collectively prepare for what we hope to be a party come 5pm on Saturday, I reflected on all the personal enjoyment and insight I’ve taken from this online community and have been moved to share memories and insights from a precious few days in my life in 2022, in the hope that anybody out there would enjoy reading my first hand experience with this team of players we now hold so dear.
It all started when TWTD were the first to break the news (of course) that my club, Ipswich, would travel to my hometown of Loughborough for their pre-season training camp. Great - I thought - if I’m lucky, I might get to watch them training at some point in the week.
July came around soon after, by which point I had a fair idea the squad would arrive on the first Monday of the month to start their camp. I planned an hour away from work expecting to cycle around Loughborough to try to find where they were stationed. As it happened, I cycled all of 100m from my house and at my first port of call and there was an energetic group of blue buzzing around on the university training pitches a row of houses away from my house. Wonderful. I could really get a close look. No fences, open fields and no other interest from what I could tell. I was the only fan there.
I caught them in their last 10 minutes of their first evening session, which was competitive and vocal. The next day I would realise that I could hear their heated practice match calls from my back garden. They marched off to hit the gym and all I could muster was a shy grin. To be honest at that moment in time I could only name around half the squad by sight. I did recognise Wes Burns though - fresh off his first Wales caps at that point. I managed a “Congrats on the caps Wes”. He said, “Thanks”, smiled and nodded as he walked by.
It’s timely to mention that together with my wife I own a cafe in Loughborough that is located somewhere between my house and where the team trained, i.e. very close. So as soon as I moved sheepishly away from Wes and biked home, all thoughts turned to how I could get the team along to my cafe.
First step, get my wife to the gym. Odd and perhaps slightly offensive to my wife you might say. No malice intended at all - she had a membership to the gym the boys were heading. And she had an Ipswich shirt. A relic from the 2011 season that she wore once all year - to the famous defeat of Arsenal courtesy of Tamas Priskin (my wife has a very good win record by the way). Off she went then, in blue and white to sow some seeds of an idea.
I was filled with envy when she (not so reserved, and a delight to talk to) sent me back a reel of photos working out alongside Fridge, Woolfy, El Miz and more. She even got her shirt signed on the way out. She also mentioned our cafe.
So the next day I had to play it cool. I was looking after my 3 year old boy that day. He also has an Ipswich shirt. I do too of course, but did not feel the full grown adult in favourite team shirt would strike the right note. 3 year old though - who could argue with that (he tried actually).
So we went along for the morning training session and as planned, attracted attention. The plan was working. First up, Mr. Chaplin trotted over, said hi, played with my boy, posed for pics joined by Kayden Jackson. I chatted with Dom Ball, who came off that training session with a sore ankle. It would develop into the first injury lay off for him in the season ahead. Across the way, Fridge was easing into an ice bath, lovingly prepared by the physio team for several players. He was the only one brave enough to jump in. More photos with him and Cam Burgess followed before the team retreated for lunch.
Away from the players, I had some fascinating chats. Notably with James Pullen who described his journey from Town ‘keeper debut to now, First Team Kit Manager. A forgotten role perhaps, but it was clear that James was just happy to be there, be around the team and be part of what he described as “something special happening”. He was like a fan in much the same way as I was, only he was excited like we all are now because he had seen it all develop, even as early in the McKenna reign as it was then. Another chat was with the tech guy. He was talking me through how they used video footage for analysis whilst he was busy operating a drone floating over the training pitch. I was a bit taken aback that such analysis was being performed on mere training exercises.
McKenna had an aura. He was either on the phone to someone (giving opinions on potential signings?), or in deep conversation with his coaching team about one thing or another. I would have expected a few laughs around the camp so early in pre-season. But it was training time and everyone without a fault looked focused and determined.
Finally I spoke to the guy who looked after the logistics, the team coach, what the players were doing in the little down time they had. He was the guy! We spoke at length and I invited the players for coffee at my gaff.
Without much expectation, I potted around the next morning only to be alerted by my staff (I had warned them of the slim possibility), that some guys in blue were getting takeaway coffees and I should probably come over. Off I went (sprinted) and arrived to find Wes, Kayden, Lee Evans and Head of Sport Science Andy Costin, sipping on my brew…from takeaway cups I had designed, with smiles on their faces (imagine if they had hated it). I introduced myself as a fan, and could think of nothing else to say but “Can I have a picture?” Taking it in their stride, they obliged. Even outside in front of the store. One for the scrapbook.
The next few days were a whirlwind. My cafe became their favourite chill out spot between training. A varied group of different squad members would drop in before the morning session and after lunch for the next few days. I chatted more and more with the like of Lee Evans who was fascinated by coffee (we do great coffee), latte art and the business in general. I had a decent conversation with Kayden about his kid. From seeing my boy with me on the first day he shared a story about his own lad of similar age. He, in particular, came across as such a genuine guy, prepared to do whatever it took to succeed, with his family as motivation. Seeing his season so far and his sacrifices for the team (despite the criticism he sometimes receives) makes me quite emotional, knowing where it comes from.
Fridge was like a kid. He jumped at the chance when I invited the boys to have a go at some latte art on our machine. A group of the lads came over to have a go. George was first up, with an audience of Walton, Chappers, Evans and Cam. I pinched myself as I stood in front of my boys on the pitch hanging on my every word. Sure it was about how to steam milk, but surely it’s pretty similar to how McK must feel in the dressing room, right?!
Without exception, the boys were gold and there was an overwhelming sense that they were one unit, a family almost, seeing them as they were simply enjoying free time around each other rather than being in their hotel rooms. The other thing that stood out was coaches like Rene Gilmartin and Andy Costin also enjoying time around the players relaxing, seemingly acting as a go between with the players and other management.
Perhaps it won’t come as a huge surprise as to who stood out all the way through though. It felt like a humble fella called Conor was at the heart of it all. He was first to say hi, he encouraged the boys along to the cafe everyday and he was the one who approached me and said thank you (thank me?!) for looking after the boys. He also suggested I give him a shout when an away game local to the Midlands came about. A quick look on TWTD at the fixture list: Derby away seemed like a good shout. Promotion party I joked. A bit premature perhaps, but what a day that turned out to be. True to his word, Conor (first name terms you know) went out of his way to arrange me and my Dad (also a regular on here) tickets when there were no tickets. At one of the most requested games of the year, we were sat amongst friends and family of the players - Kayden’s partner and boy in the row behind me - and it was glorious.
To summarise then. This team, these players have a place in my heart. And they do for most of us. And I’m not suggested the feeling is any greater for me than it is for you, but being up close to them, seeing the hunger in their eyes, and being touched by their kindness and generosity has given this season an extra shine for me, whatever happens tomorrow.
But of course, if IT does happen, and once the dust settles, you can be sure that I’ll be dropping Mr. Chaplin a text, emphasising the importance of their Loughborough summer camp and the absolute necessity to repeat it for the season ahead.
Thanks for reading.
Edit: typos